Finally figured it out after pulling some hear.

Using "axes.annotate" instead of "axes.text" worked for me, i.e. 
something like this:

axes.annotate(hstr, xy=(xCorr, yCorr), xytext=(0, 5), textcoords='offset 

instead of what I did originally.


On 08/11/2010 16:21, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> I like to have 2 or 3 text elements "stacked" on top of each other on
> top of a bar.
> Currently it works for the first text element by doing:
> height = bar.get_height()
> xCorr = bar.get_x()
> yCorr = 0.20 + height
> txtax = axes.text(xCorr, yCorr, hstr)
> trying to add the second text just above the previous one I tried this:
> pCorr = yCorr + txtax.get_size() + 0.4
> txtax = axes.text(xCorr, pCorr, hstrPerc)
> It looks like my problem is that get_x() returns a value in ticks and
> txtax.get_size() is in pixels and I can't find a way to get at the
> height of the text element in ticks.
> Can anyone please push me in the right direction.
> Werner
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