On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 5:02 AM, Paul Leopardi <paul.leopa...@iinet.net.au>wrote:

> Hi all,
> On Sun, 6 Feb 2011 03:54:48 PM Paul Leopardi wrote:
> > I'm having trouble using multiple figures with mplot3d.
> I have appended an entire example script, below.
> The script incrementally plots 3 curves, one in each of 3 figure windows.
> The
> trouble is, once Figure 2 has finished plotting, the curve for Figure 1
> disappears and is replaced by the curve for Figure 2, with the axes for
> Figure
> 1; once Figure 3 has finished plotting, the curves for Figures 1 and 2
> disappear and are replaced by the curve for Figure 3, with the axes for
> Figure
> 1 and Figure 2, respectively.
> The original code was written with incremental plotting because the points
> took a long time to calculate. Without incremental plotting, the figures
> stayed blank for a long time. The script below is very similar to my
> original
> script, but does not depend on my GluCat library.
> Best, Paul
> ---
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> # Imports needed for array calculation and plotting.
> from numpy import array, floor, random, empty, cos, pi
> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> # Constants to control the plotting.
> C=3 # Number of curves to plot.
> P=1000 # Number of points overall.
> R=2 # Scaling constant to use.
> N=25 # Number of points in a curve segment.
> M=P/N
> # Array of points.
> x=empty((3,P))
> rgb=empty((3))
> # Plot C curves.
> for i in xrange(0,C):
>  # Initial point.
>  x0=random.randn(3)
>  # Plot a curve using a random bivector in R_{5,0}
>  # with appropriate scaling.
>  w=random.randn(3) * 2*pi*R/P
>  # Use a new figure for each curve.
>  fig=plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
>  # ax=Axes3D(fig)
>  ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
>  plt.show()
>  # Coordinate limits to determine the colour of the first curve segment.
>  minx=array([-x0[0],x0[1],-x0[2]])
>  maxx=minx.copy()
>  # Split the curve into M segments, each with an appropriate colour.
>  for j in range(0,M):
>   # Find N points forming a curve segment by
>  # exponentiating w*k for k from j*N to (j+1)*N-1.
>  abot=j*N
>  atop=abot+N
>  for k in xrange(abot,atop):
>   for h in range(0,3):
>    x[h,k]=x0[h]+cos(w[h]*k)
>  # Determine the colour of the curve segment.
>   amid=floor((abot+atop)/2)
>  for h in range(0,3):
>   sign=(-1)**(h+1)
>   minx[h]=min(minx[h],min(sign*x[h,abot:atop]))
>   maxx[h]=max(maxx[h],max(sign*x[h,abot:atop]))
>   rgb[h]=max(0.0,min((sign*x[h,amid]-minx[h])/(maxx[h]-minx[h]),1.0))
>  # Plot the curve segment using the chosen colour.
>  alow=(abot-1 if j>0 else abot)
>  ax.plot(x[0,alow:atop],x[1,alow:atop],x[2,alow:atop],c=rgb.tolist())
>  plt.draw()
>  plt.show()

As formatted, the code would not run.  I presume that everything after "for
j in range(0,M):" should be indented?  When I did that and ran it in
ipython, I could not reproduce your problem.  What version of matplotlib are
you running?

Ben Root
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