Goyo <goyod...@gmail.com> writes:

> As Ben explained you need to draw first. So the usual path is:
> 1. Draw
> 2. Figure out the size of potentially problematic things (labels,
> titles...) and the space you need.
> 3. Adjust subplots or whatever needs adjustment to fit.
> 4. Draw again.
> Sort of weird but it works and I think it's widely used.
> Goyo

Sorry if I'm annoying, but is there any example about that?
For the text I didn't find anything using bbox_patch to compute the size
and then adapt the size of it, unless I'm blind maybe it would be nice
to add in the website for the future...

And also if I create an object of type matplotlib.Text.text how do I
actually attach it to my current figure?


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