I've set up the data file with comma delimiter and one space.  Split command 


Code runs without error but no points on the map.  These two lines, however, do 
produce an asterisk at the proper location:

xpt,ypt = m(-75.0,43.0)

I will strip the code down to bare minimum (take out reading of netCDF data 
file) and paste it here along with ten example lats,lons.

--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Ian Bell <ib...@purdue.edu> wrote:

From: Ian Bell <ib...@purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting points/locations from data file
To: "Michael Rawlins" <rawlin...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 7:32 PM

The easiest solution would be to put a comma as the delimiter between the lat 
and lon, and then change split(' ') to split(',').  Then everything should work 
fine.  I exclusively work with comma separated files for this exact reason.  
You are right that I had a typo, it should be lons[i].  It looks like you have 
two spaces as the delimiter currently based on your copy-paste.  That's why 
split doesn't give you two values.  In general I recommend that you avoid two 
spaces as the delimiter, just going to cause problems.

Ian Bell
Graduate Research Assistant
Herrick Labs
Purdue University
email: ib...@purdue.edu
cell: (607)227-7626

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Michael Rawlins <rawlin...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Sorry I should have mentioned that longitudes are negative; there is a '-' 
before each longitude, like so:

39.4670  -76.1670 
46.4000  -74.7670 
45.3830  -75.7170 
43.6170  -79.3830 
45.5170  -73.4170 

Also the plt.text line you sent had lon[i] rather than lons[i].  I corrected 
that and changed my longitudes to not have the '-' sign and the code ran 
without error. Could the '-' be causing a problem?  I need to input the lat, 
lon as in the file as shown above.


--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Ian Bell <ib...@purdue.edu> wrote:

From: Ian Bell <ib...@purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting points/locations from data file
To: "Michael Rawlins"
Cc: Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 7:22 PM

If you want to plot a given marker at the point, for instance a circle, replace 
the last line of my code plt.text...... with 


for a circle, or 


for a square.  Refer to Plot for more information on the markers you can use.  
You are getting the error because you have a delimiter different than a single 
space, so it isn't splitting the line.  Replace ' '  in the split command with 
your whitespace delimiter.  Is it a tab? Then you want '\t' .

Good luck,

Ian Bell
Graduate Research Assistant
Herrick Labs
Purdue University
email: ib...@purdue.edu

cell: (607)227-7626

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Michael Rawlins <rawlin...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Yes, there is whitespace between each lat and lon on each line.  But, actually, 
I'd simply like to plot a dot at each location.  The '1' was there in my 
example because I do not yet know how to plot a particular symbol.  Here is 
what I got when I tried the code you just suggested. 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 319, in <module>
    (lat,lon)=line.strip().split(' ')
ValueError: too many values to unpack

There are 203 records in the data file.  Line 319 of test.py is this:

(lat,lon)=line.strip().split(' ')

--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Ian Bell <ib...@purdue.edu> wrote:

From: Ian Bell <ib...@purdue.edu>

Subject: Re:
 [Matplotlib-users] plotting points/locations from data file
To: "Michael Rawlins" <rawlin...@yahoo.com>
Cc: Matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 6:52 PM

To clarify, you are trying to read in a set of (lat,lon) points in a file that 
is space delimited, store the data, and then put a text marker at each point, 
with each point numbered in order?  The critical part is that you want to use a 
list (or numpy array) instead of a dictionary.  Something like this ought to do 
(don't have MPL on this computer though - pretty sure this should work):

for line in lines:
    (lat,lon)=line.strip().split(' ')

for i in range(len(lons)):

I'm sure there are a bunch of more compact ways to do this, but this should 

Ian Bell
Graduate Research Assistant
Herrick Labs
Purdue University
email: ib...@purdue.edu

cell: (607)227-7626

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Michael Rawlins <rawlin...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm trying to plot a series of points/locations on a map. I'm reading the 
latitudes and longitudes from a file, with each lat, lon pair on each record 
(line).  Here is the code:

def make_float(line):

    lati, longi = line.split()

    return float(lati), float(longi)

my_dict = {}

with open("file.txt") as f:

    for item in f:

        lati,longi = make_float(item)

        my_dict[lati] = longi

xpt,ypt = m(-76.1670,39.4670 )


#print my_dict

The matplotlib code which I've previously used to plot a single point on the 
map is below, with longitude and latitude in ( ):

xpt,ypt = m(-70.758392,42.960445)


When replacing (-70.758392,42.960445) with (longi,lati), the code plots only a 
single '1' at the location of just the last coordinate pair in the file. So now 
I only need to plot them all. Does the code I've implemented have an implicit 
loop to it?



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