  Thanks for the response and the example code.  I guess what I'm
trying to do might be well defined.  Here is a plot that should
illustrate the data I'm working with:


The green and red regions are being displayed by plotting each and
every point in my data set that is stable.  So the set of points I was
describing in my original message looks like these green and red

What I would like is just the boundary of the stable region, which
maybe isn't a very well defined statement.  The convex hull of these
points would enclose a part of the x-y plane that isn't stable, so I
don't want to include it in my plot.

I am thinking that perhaps the approach I should be taking should
involve contouring the real part of the eigenvalues which determine
the stability, and then plot the zero-level curve.  I'll have to think
about that some more.

Is it clear what I am trying to do?  If so, do you think the Delaunay
triangulation is the right way to go?


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Ian Thomas <ianthoma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 April 2011 08:51, Luke <hazelnu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a set of unstructured (x,y) points which I would like to
>> compute a boundary polygon for.  I don't want the convex hull.
>> I was able to use matplotlib.tri to get a Delaunay triangulation for
>> my points by following the examples online, but I'm having trouble
>> masking everything but the triangles with a boundary edge.
>> Additionally, once I get this, I'm not clear on how to plot just the
>> boundary.
>> Here is what it seems like the mask should be, assume triang comes
>> from matplotlib.tri.Triangulation().
>> mask = np.where(np.where(triang.neighbors < 0, 0, 1).all(axis=1), 1, 0)
>> triang.set_mask(mask)
>> but, when I plot triang using plot.triplot(), or plt.plot() to plot
>> the edges, I am getting a bunch of extra stuff that isn't just the
>> boundary triangles/edges.
>> Anybody have example code for properly masking and plotting only the
>> boundary edges?
>> ~Luke
> Luke,
> I am not entirely clear exactly what you want to do, but I'll try to help.
> Your masking of the triangulation masks the triangles not the edges, and so
> your triplot call displays those triangles that include a boundary edge but
> also the other edges of those triangles.  As you say, this isn't what you
> want.
> I've attached an example script that follows on from your idea of testing
> triang.neighbors to determine the boundary edges, and displays just  those
> edges.  However, this is the convex hull as, by definition, the boundary of
> an unconstrained Delaunay triangulation is the convex hull.  As you don't
> want the convex hull, I am not clear what you want instead.
> If I have misunderstood your requirements and/or you have further questions,
> please post your example code as it is much easier for others on the mailing
> list to correct existing code than come up with their own freestanding
> example.
> I hope some of this helps!
> Ian Thomas

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