Dear list,

is there an equivalent function to matlabs patch() function in matplotlib?
That means a function which does not require its X,Y,Z arguments to
come from a prior call to meshgrid? That is at least what I believe to
be the requirement for Axes3DSubplot.plot_surface.

In matlab you can pass n x k matrices as X,Y,Z argument, which then
means that there are n Polygons (each with k vertices) and they each
get shaded. The problem with the meshgrid structure is, that an
unstructured mesh does not have this tensor structure, so if I have
1000 quadrilaterals, then I would have to call
`Axes3DSubplot.plot_surface` for each of them separately. At least
with `gtkagg` this even seems to fail with z-buffer problem. Btw.
which backend to you recommend for 3D plots?


Holger Brandsmeier, SAM, ETH Zürich

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