> That is why you have to work with the 3D objects from
> mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d directly.  There isn't a lot of documentation, so
> your best bet is to look at the source code of the module.

Indeed, I was able to extract the necessary pieces from the source
code. In fact I split the function `plot_surface` into two functions
`polyMeshFromMeshGrid` and `plot_surfaceMesh`. The first functions
takes the meshgrid arguments and produces a list of polygons that
should be drawn, the second functions finally displays them (the code
in plot_surface is already structured like this). With this approach I
can plot functions which are made up of several parts which each have
meshgrid structure. Also I can add raw polygons to the mesh.

Maybe this splitting makes sense in the online code as well?


def polyMeshFromMeshGrid(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs):
    rows, cols = Z.shape
    tX, tY, tZ = np.transpose(X), np.transpose(Y), np.transpose(Z)
    rstride = kwargs.pop('rstride', 10)
    cstride = kwargs.pop('cstride', 10)

    if 'facecolors' in kwargs:
        fcolors = kwargs.pop('facecolors')
        color = np.array(colorConverter.to_rgba(kwargs.pop('color', 'b')))
        fcolors = None

    cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', None)
    norm = kwargs.pop('norm', None)
    vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None)
    vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None)
    shade = kwargs.pop('shade', cmap is None)
    lightsource = kwargs.pop('lightsource', None)

    # Shade the data
    if shade and cmap is not None and fcolors is not None:
        fcolors = self._shade_colors_lightsource(Z, cmap, lightsource)

    polys = kwargs.pop('polys', [])
    normals = kwargs.pop('normals', [])
    #colset contains the data for coloring: either average z or the facecolor
    colset = kwargs.pop('colset', [])

    for rs in np.arange(0, rows-1, rstride):
        for cs in np.arange(0, cols-1, cstride):
            ps = []
            corners = []
            for a, ta in [(X, tX), (Y, tY), (Z, tZ)]:
                ztop = a[rs][cs:min(cols, cs+cstride+1)]
                zleft = ta[min(cols-1, cs+cstride)][rs:min(rows, rs+rstride+1)]
                zbase = a[min(rows-1, rs+rstride)][cs:min(cols, cs+cstride+1):]
                zbase = zbase[::-1]
                zright = ta[cs][rs:min(rows, rs+rstride+1):]
                zright = zright[::-1]
                corners.append([ztop[0], ztop[-1], zbase[0], zbase[-1]])
                z = np.concatenate((ztop, zleft, zbase, zright))

            # The construction leaves the array with duplicate points, which
            # are removed here.
            ps = zip(*ps)
            lastp = np.array([])
            ps2 = []
            avgzsum = 0.0
            for p in ps:
                if p != lastp:
                    lastp = p
                    avgzsum += p[2]

            if fcolors is not None:
                colset.append(avgzsum / len(ps2))

            # Only need vectors to shade if no cmap
            if cmap is None and shade:
                v1 = np.array(ps2[0]) - np.array(ps2[1])
                v2 = np.array(ps2[2]) - np.array(ps2[0])
                normals.append(np.cross(v1, v2))

    return polys, normals, colset

def plot_surfaceMesh(self, polys, normals, colset, *args, **kwargs):
    had_data = self.has_data()

    rows, cols = Z.shape
    rstride = kwargs.pop('rstride', 10)
    cstride = kwargs.pop('cstride', 10)

    if 'facecolors' in kwargs:
        fcolors = kwargs.pop('facecolors')
        color = np.array(colorConverter.to_rgba(kwargs.pop('color', 'b')))
        fcolors = None

    cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', None)
    norm = kwargs.pop('norm', None)
    vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None)
    vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None)
    linewidth = kwargs.get('linewidth', None)
    shade = kwargs.pop('shade', cmap is None)
    lightsource = kwargs.pop('lightsource', None)

    polyc = art3d.Poly3DCollection(polys, *args, **kwargs)

    if fcolors is not None:
        if shade:
            colset = self._shade_colors(colset, normals)
    elif cmap:
        colset = np.array(colset)
        if vmin is not None or vmax is not None:
            polyc.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
        if norm is not None:
        if shade:
            colset = self._shade_colors(color, normals)
            colset = color


    x, y, z = [], [], [];
    for pol in polys:
      for p in pol:

    self.auto_scale_xyz(x, y, z, had_data)
    return polyc

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