Hi Nils.

I have never tried to do a real printout, so I am no expert here. My use case 
was almost always to directly create pdf or ps documents, which can be done 
nicely using the several print_* methods of the figurecanvas.

You can use Actions for your case instead of a widget. Actually they should 
considered to be recommended when using Qt4. Actions are a very elegant way to 
attach functionality to a program.

So define an action like you suggested, and add it to the toolbar using the 
addAction method of the toolbar.
Then you might want to implement a slot, that you in turn connect to the 
"triggered" signal of your action, which implements the real printing.
I can't really help you with the printing itself, but have found an implemented 
strategy after a bit googling. That might be a start ...


Have a look at the onPrint method here.

Hoping again that this was helpful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nils Wagner [mailto:nwag...@iam.uni-stuttgart.de] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 11:08 AM
To: Jens Nie
Cc: matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] Customizing the Navigation toolbar

On Tue, 4 Oct 2011 10:09:57 +0200
  Jens Nie <j...@roseninspection.net> wrote:
> Hi Nils.
> The Qt based Navigation toolbar is just a Qt Widget with a proper 
>layout already set. So you should be able to add any Qt widget to the 
>toolbar using its addWidget method.
> I was able to add a simple line edit (without any use) like so:
> import sys
> from PyQt4.QtCore import *
> from PyQt4.QtGui import *
> from matplotlib.figure import Figure
> from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as 
>FigureCanvas  from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import 
>NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar2
> class ViewWidget(QMainWindow):
>    def __init__(self):
>        QMainWindow.__init__(self)
>        # create a simple main widget to keep the figure
>        self.mainWidget = QWidget()
>        self.setCentralWidget(self.mainWidget)
>        layout = QVBoxLayout()
>        self.mainWidget.setLayout(layout)
>        # create a figure
>        self.figure_canvas = FigureCanvas(Figure())
>        layout.addWidget(self.figure_canvas, 10)
>        # and the axes for the figure
>        self.axes =
>        # add a navigation toolbar
>        self.navigation_toolbar =
>NavigationToolbar2(self.figure_canvas, self)
>        layout.addWidget(self.navigation_toolbar, 0)
>        # create a simple widget to extend the navigation toolbar
>        anotherWidget=QLineEdit()
>        # add the new widget to the existing navigation toolbar
>        self.navigation_toolbar.addWidget(anotherWidget)
> if __name__=="__main__":
>    app=QApplication(sys.argv)
>    mw=ViewWidget()
>    mw.show()
>    sys.exit(app.exec_())
> Hope that helps ...
> Best regards
> Jens
Hi Jens,

Thank you very much for your response.
Hence I have tried

import sys
import numpy as np
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as 
FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import 
NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar2

class ViewWidget(QMainWindow):
     def __init__(self):

         # create a simple main widget to keep the figure
         self.mainWidget = QWidget()

         layout = QVBoxLayout()

         # create a figure
         self.figure_canvas = FigureCanvas(Figure())
         layout.addWidget(self.figure_canvas, 10)

         # and the axes for the figure
         self.axes =
         x = np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,100)
         # add a navigation toolbar
         self.navigation_toolbar =
NavigationToolbar2(self.figure_canvas, self)
         layout.addWidget(self.navigation_toolbar, 0)

         # create a simple widget to extend the navigation toolbar
#       anotherWidget=QLineEdit()
         printer = QPrinter()
         anotherWidget= QPrintDialog(printer,self)

         # add the new widget to the existing navigation toolbar

if __name__=="__main__":

How do I connect the plot with the printer ?
How can I replace the printer dialog by a small icon ?

I found the lines
         a = self.addAction(self._icon('filesave.svg'),

in backend_qt4.py


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