On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Paul Ivanov wrote:

> Well, I hope the dentist trip was more of a success :) Don't worry
> about it - it's become kind of a fun challenge now.


   Yes, it was a nice, long, relaxing visit. I go to the dental school at the
health sciences university; costs ~ 1/3rd less than a private dentist,
top-notch care, and the latest techniques when necessary.

> I see you sent this just a few minutes ago - let's try to figure this out
> interactively via IRC on #matplotlib channel on freenode. If you don't
> have an IRC client handy, you can just use this web-based one.
> http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=matplotlib

   Oops! That was a while ago. I'm rather overwhelmed with client work, but
will see if I still have an IRC tool available on the system; I removed
bitchx a while ago.


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