On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Oct 2011, Paul Ivanov wrote:
>> those two properties should not have spaces in them - according the the
>> AFM file spec that I could find - they should be one word - which is what
>> matplotlib expects - and this is the source of all of the "'Found an
>> unknown keyword in AFM header (was Underline)" warning that you saw.
> Paul,
>   That specific font is apparently kid oriented (not surprising as it comes
> from Corel a long time ago). I can delete it and never miss it.

Ok - strange that we saw a lot of errors caused by probably the same
deviation from the AFM standard in several other files as indnicated
by the error file Ben posted earlier in this thread.

>>> C 127 ; WX 262 ; N  ; B 64 506 246 730 ;
>> I still find it strange that this character is even in the font file
>> - maybe it had a value other than just space, but copy pasting made it
>> appear as such? Please resend the file as an attachement so we can
>> verify.
>> In the meantime - this patch should get around trying to parse any
>> such files without causing tracebacks
>> in lib/matplotlib/afm.py, after the line that says 'if
>> line.startswith('Comment'): continue' add another line that says 'if
>> line.startswith('C 127'): continue'
>   OK. Done.

so no more tracebacks?

>> If this was really the case, we should not have been seeing "Found an
>> unknown keyword in AFM header (was Underline)" for the afm files that
>> ship with matplotlib (but we were on your machine - so something
>> changed them).
>> Please diff your pagko8a.afm against
>> https://raw.github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/master/lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/afm/pagko8a.afm
>   There's no difference between
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/afm/pagko8a.afm
> and the pagko8a.afm I downloaded from github.

Well, that's a mystery... why did you previously see a "Found an
unknown keyword in AFM header (was Underline)" message for it...

Paul Ivanov
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