On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Adam Mercer <ramer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have recently updated to Matplotlib-1.1.0 and now one of my scripts
> displays the following warning:
> UserWarning: Legend does not support [[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object
> at 0x1026296d0>]]
> Use proxy artist instead.
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/legend_guide.html#using-proxy-artist
> The link it refers to doesn't seem to be much help, and I can't see
> what I need to do in order to correctly display the legend. Below is
> the appropriate plotting section of my script, could anyone offer
> suggestions as to how to correctly display the legend?
> # plot size, scale by golden ratio
> fig = pyplot.figure()
> fig.set_size_inches(10, 10 / ((1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2))
> date_axes = fig.add_subplot(111)
> # setup secondary axes
> value_axes = date_axes.twinx()
> # set plot labels
> date_axes.set_xlabel("Date")
> date_axes.set_ylabel("Time")
> value_axes.set_ylabel("Value")
> # produce plot
> morning_plot = date_axes.plot_date(morning[:,0], morning[:,1], 'bo-', ms=4)
> evening_plot = date_axes.plot_date(evening[:,0], evening[:,1], 'go-', ms=4)
> value_plot = []
> for v in value:
>  value_plot.append(value_axes.plot_date(w[:,0], w[:,1], 'ro-', ms=4))
> # legend
> date_axes.legend(([morning_plot], [evening_plot], [value_plot]),
>    ("Morning", "Evening", "Value"),
>    numpoints=1, loc=0, borderpad=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True)
> # save plot
> fig.savefig(plot_file)

Your problem is that value_plot is a list of lists, and not a list of
lines.  ax.plot_date returns a list of lines, so you need to do

 value_plot.extend(value_axes.plot_date(w[:,0], w[:,1], 'ro-', ms=4))

rather than calling "append".

The legend method expects a list of matplotlib artists, not a list of lists.


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