Hi there,

I'm sorry to ask such a newbie question, but I'd like to format a custom box 
plot and although there are numerous examples on the web and tons of docstrings 
in matplotlib, I'm stuck somehow. My problems center around axes / spines. In 
detail, my problems are:

1) I want an y-axis on the left that spans from -0.6 to 1.1, ends in an arrow, 
has major ticks at 0 and 1 and minor ticks at [0.1...0.9]
As far as I understand, there is no option to let spines end in an arrow head, 
so I have to draw the myself. I get the ticks to appear at the right positions 
and the y-range to be as desired - however, the spine line is not drawn over 
the full y-range, but only where there is data in the diagram. Also, I copied 
the arrow annotation code blindly from an older post on this list, but do not 
understand how I can adapt the arrow head to appear at a data position (instead 
of at the corner of the Axes area). One problem is, that I get ticks on the 
right although that spine was disabled.

2) I want some kind of x-axis at y==0, without ticks and without arrow
Using some methods on the spines, I can disable the top spine and move the 
bottom spine to zero. However, as with the y-axis, I cannot control from where 
to where the line itself is drawn.

As attachments, you'll find a hand sketch of what my graph should look like and 
matplotlib code that goes nearly all the way.

I would be very happy about a hint on how to fix the problems left.

Thanks an advance,


<<inline: boxplot_sketch.png>>

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Example code for custom box diagram

2012-06-15, mark.asb...@iais.fraunhofer.de

import numpy
from matplotlib import pylab

def draw_bars(data, descriptions=None, colors=None, reverse_coords=False, position=0, axes=pylab):
    # if no descriptions are given, use data to annotate itself
    if descriptions == None:
        descriptions = data
    # if no colors are given, all boxes will be white
    if colors == None:
        colors = len(data) * ('white',)
    # sort data for finding y centers and drawing in right order
    assert numpy.all(numpy.array(data) >= 0)
    idx = numpy.argsort(data)[::-1]
    data         = numpy.array(data)[idx]
    descriptions = numpy.array(descriptions)[idx]
    colors       = numpy.array(colors)[idx]
    # reverse y-position if desired
    if reverse_coords:
        data = -data
    # draw boxes
    for top, color in zip (data, colors):
        axes.bar (position + 0.2, top, 0.4, color=color)
    # put labels on boxes
    tops = data.tolist()
    bots = data.tolist()[1:] + [0,]
    for top, bottom, description in zip(tops, bots, descriptions):
        axes.text (position + 0.4, 0.5 * (top + bottom), description, 
                   horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')

def draw_dataset(dataset, titles=None, descriptions=None, colors=None, axes=pylab):
    # ensure data is in numpy format
    dataset = numpy.require(dataset, dtype=float)
    titles  = numpy.require(titles, dtype=str)
    descriptions = numpy.require(descriptions, dtype=str)
    # draw bar by bar, separating positive from negative values
    position = 0
    for row, descr in zip(dataset, descriptions):
        row_data   = numpy.array(row)
        descr_data = numpy.array (descr)
        positives  = numpy.array(row) > 0
        draw_bars( row_data[ positives], descr_data[ positives], colors, False, position, axes)
        draw_bars(-row_data[-positives], descr_data[-positives], colors, True,  position, axes)
        position += 1
    # finally, but title above bars
    if titles != None:
        for position, title in enumerate(titles):
            axes.text (position + 0.4, 1.1, title, 
                       horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')

# create new figure
fig = pylab.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

# plot my data
datasets = [(0.8, 0.6, 0.4, -0.2),
            (0.7, 0.5, 0.3, -0.3)]
descriptions = [('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'),
                ('A\'', 'B\'', 'C\'', 'D\'')]
colors    = ['0.3', '0.5', '0.75', '0.1']
draw_dataset(datasets, ['Some Text\nLines', 'Other Text'], descriptions, colors, ax)

# use left spine and x-axis at zero

# try to add arrow to left spine
# (http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net/2011-02/msg00065.html)
al = 7 # arrow length in points
arrowprops=dict(clip_on=False, # plotting outside axes on purpose
  frac=1., # make end arrowhead the whole size of arrow
  headwidth=al, # in points
kwargs = dict(  
              xycoords='axes fraction',
              textcoords='offset points',
              arrowprops= arrowprops,
ax.annotate("",(0,1),xytext=(0,-al), **kwargs) # left spin arrow

# format rest of figure
pylab.yticks(numpy.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1)) #, ['%d' % val for val in vals])
ax.set_ylim(-0.6, 1.4)
ax.set_xlim( 0.0, 2.0)
pylab.title('Diagram Title')

# done

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