Hi, I have a collection of 4 plots that I spent some time in constructing.
They themselves include modifications of the axes labels, have rotated
subplots next to them, etc. I need to be able to take these 4 plots and
consolidate them into a single plot (referee suggestion to save space). So
is there an easy way for me to create a 2x2 array of my previous plots in a
single figure, perhaps only with labels (a), (b), (c), and (d) next to them?

The code for all of my plots looks similar to this (just with different
sets of data and labels):

>     gs=matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(1,2,width_ratios=[3,1])
>     gs.update(wspace=0.1)
>     ax=subplot(gs[0])
>     ylabel('Frequency (cm'+r'$^{-1}$'+')')
>     for i in range(0,len(ydata)):
>         plot(xdata[i],ydata[i],'r-',linewidth=1.5)
>     plot(xdata[0],[0.0]*len(xdata[0]),'k:')
>> pos=[0,49.993913693,76.1020154736,136.396868606,188.614415645,240.831514922,
> 283.466414973,326.101863594,368.737312215]
>> locs,labels=xticks(pos,[r'$\Gamma$','P','Z',r'$\Gamma$','Q','Z','L',r'$\Gamm
> a$','F'])
>     for i in range(0,len(pos)):
>         plt.axvline(x=pos[i],linewidth=0.5,color='k',alpha=0.5)
>     axis([0,368.738,0,300])
>     ax2=subplot(gs[1])
>     plot(dosydata,dosxdata,'r-',linewidth=1.5)
>     a=gca()
>     b=a.get_xticks()
>     a.xaxis.set_ticks([0.0, 0.015, 0.03])
>     a.set_xticklabels(['0','0.015','0.03'])
>     a.tick_params(axis='x',labelsize=14)
>     a.set_xlim([0,0.03])
>     a.set_ylim([0,300])
>     ax.label_outer()
>     ax2.label_outer()
>>     show()
I made an attempt at doing this by keeping much of my code the same (except
for repeating it for the 4 instances in one script) and then adding in
commands like 'subplot(221)', 'subplot(222)', etc., but this did not appear
to work. I suppose I don't really understand how to construct a larger
figure that contains everything with subplots which themselves contain
subplots.  Although I feel/hope that this should be easily done by some
means. Thanks a bunch for any suggestions you can give!

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