Thanks for your multiple answers. I'll try the same manipulation with the
1.2 version as soon as possible. Concerning the debate between the use of
None and numpy.nan, I tryed both methods before posting and they both lead
to the same bug on my version. I'm using the None/numpy.nan trick to plot
finite element 2D meshes (Matplotlib  allows very neat vectorial plots) and
I often adjust xlim/ylim to magnify interesting zones and so this bug is
everywhere. I'm not totally sure but I think the bug was not present in the
1.0.x versions I tested before.


Ludovic Charleux

2012/10/3 Benjamin Root <>

> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Phil Elson <> wrote:
>> I don't get this on matplotlib/master (and therefore probably not on
>> 1.2rc2).
>> I'm pretty sure masked array line plotting was fixed at some point this
>> release cycle (I cannot find the appropriate github issue to link to), so I
>> suggest this is a known bug with 1.1.1 and fixed in 1.2. Just to be clear,
>> I am using the TkAgg backend, and there is a remote possiblity that this
>> bug is backend dependent. Is there any chance you could test this with the
>> latest release candidate?
>> Many Thanks,
> This issue may be dependent upon which version of Numpy one is using.  As
> Eric pointed out, one should be getting an object array if you have a None
> in the list.  On top of that, I wouldn't be surprised if the different
> backends handled this object array differently.
> As far as I am concerned, using None in the list is the bug and is not
> only unsupported, but should be actively discouraged.  Use NaNs or masked
> arrays instead.
> (and to ward off the inevitable question, I would advise against
> explicitly checking for object arrays because there are times when it is
> correct to have such arrays, i.e., python decimal or datetime objects).
> Cheers!
> Ben Root
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