Le 04/10/2012 14:29, Phil Elson a écrit :
> Damon, I love the solution! I do wonder whether we could do some
> quirky transform on the lines to achieve a similar result, rather than
> manipulating the data before plotting it. The benefit is that
> everything should then get randomly Xkcd-ed automatically - maybe I
> will save that one for a rainy day....
A different solution to get the shaken effect on every graphic items is
the post-processing of a raster rendering of the plot. I think this is
what was proposed with Mathematica though I'm really unfamiliar with its

One way I see to "shake" on image would be to use
scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates [1] to interpolate the
rastered plot image with a "shaken grid". This shaken grid would be a
regular 2D indexing grid + some 2D noise, carefully tuned to have a bit
of spatial correlation.
I'm not so familiar with image processing in Python though, so there may
be better solutions I'm not aware of.



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