On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Pierre Haessig <pierre.haes...@crans.org>wrote:

> Le 04/10/2012 16:11, Michael Droettboom a écrit :
> > Yes -- this would be a great application for the path filtering
> > infrastructure that matplotlib has.
> Sounds way cooler than post-processing a raster plot image !
> I'm not aware of this path filtering infrastructure. I guess it's a
> deeply buried facility which is not accessible in the "Python user space" ?
> Best,
> Pierre
That is correct.  In path.so, there are some functions that are explicitly
called to do any cleanup and simplification on the paths.  We would have to
do some work to allow for user-defined functions.  I once considered doing
this back in the beginning of summer to address some contouring "bugs" I
encountered, but found other, more simple solutions.

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