Matplotlib folks,

Probably the two most common web map services are the OGC-standard WMS
service and ESRI's non-standard custom REST service.

I was looking for how to do WMS request in basemap and found
"" which uses the "arcgisimage" method.

 It look like there was a "wmsimage" method in Basemap that was folded
into a "arcgisimage" method?

I think users might find that confusing (at least I did).  Should
these methods be different?

Also for the WMS request, we want to make sure that it's possible to
specify ELEVATION and TIME as parameters, since these are necessary to
require WMS from > 2D datasets (e.g. time series of remote sensing
data, 4D atmospheric and oceanic models, etc).

1. Example of  ArcGIS REST request:,0,-1,0&bboxSR=4326&imageSR=4326&size=600,800&dpi=96&format=png32&f=image

2. Example of OGC-compliant WMS request, here requesting from
temperature data from NAM at 2 m above ground (ELEVATION=2) and for a
specified time (TIME=2012-10-09T00%3A00%3A00.000Z).  Motherlode only
keeps data around for a week or so, so if the URL below stops working,
try a date that is more current.,22.15128433311,-108.63100087893,32.34685563612&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256

Dr. Richard P. Signell
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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