WMS services are required to respond to  "GetCapabiltiies" request,
reporting what layers, styles, times, elevations, and projections they
have available.  So for example, using the Unidata WMS example below,
if we do:


we can see from the XML response that the Coordinate Reference Systems
supported are:


And for this server, the supported response types are:

So I guess one way to proceed if you wanted to use WMS in Matplotlib
and avoid reprojection in python would be to:
1. do the WMS GetCapabilities request to find the available supported
Coordinate Reference Systems (which will vary with WMS server)
2. setup Basemap to use one of these CRS
3. use the bounding box of your current axis (in projection units) as
part of a GetMap request to the WMS.


On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 12:16 AM, klo uo <klo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess that's it?
> warpimage() as it is now, checks if passed image is url, so we can add
> additional check if image is url, with urlparse to deduce image coordinates
> and projection if present, then overlay it over already created Basemap
> object.
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