On 10/16/12 8:48 AM, Rich Signell wrote:
> Klo & Jeff,
> I tried making a concrete example of using OWSlib with Basemap, but
> althought the WMS image looks good, the warpimage does not.
> http://nbviewer.ipython.org/3899690/
> Do you see where I went wrong?
> Thanks,
> Rich

Rich:  warpimage assumes the image is of global extent.  In your 
example, I think you can just pass the image to the basemap imshow 
method with

from matplotlib.image import imread
import urllib2

Klo previously mentioned there might be a problem with the png data from 
the WMS server being 'chunked', s you might have to use klo's 
imshow_chunked function


> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 7:26 PM, klo uo <klo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's also what that snippet I linked does. You can add it to to Basemap
>> and it should work.
>> However Jeff suggested we use this tiny package OWSlib and handle WMS that
>> way, which is better IMHO, but for some reason we did not got further reply.
>> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Rich Signell <rsign...@usgs.gov> wrote:
>>> WMS services are required to respond to  "GetCapabiltiies" request,
>>> reporting what layers, styles, times, elevations, and projections they
>>> have available.  So for example, using the Unidata WMS example below,
>>> if we do:
>>> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/wms/fmrc/NCEP/NAM/CONUS_12km/NCEP-NAM-CONUS_12km-noaaport_best.ncd?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities
>>> we can see from the XML response that the Coordinate Reference Systems
>>> supported are:
>>> <CRS>EPSG:4326</CRS>
>>> <CRS>CRS:84</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:41001</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:3857</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:27700</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:3408</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:3409</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:32661</CRS>
>>> <CRS>EPSG:32761</CRS>
>>> And for this server, the supported response types are:
>>> <Format>image/jpeg</Format>
>>> <Format>image/png</Format>
>>> <Format>application/vnd.google-earth.kmz</Format>
>>> <Format>image/gif</Format>
>>> So I guess one way to proceed if you wanted to use WMS in Matplotlib
>>> and avoid reprojection in python would be to:
>>> 1. do the WMS GetCapabilities request to find the available supported
>>> Coordinate Reference Systems (which will vary with WMS server)
>>> 2. setup Basemap to use one of these CRS
>>> 3. use the bounding box of your current axis (in projection units) as
>>> part of a GetMap request to the WMS.
>>> -Rich
>>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 12:16 AM, klo uo <klo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I guess that's it?
>>>> warpimage() as it is now, checks if passed image is url, so we can add
>>>> additional check if image is url, with urlparse to deduce image
>>>> coordinates
>>>> and projection if present, then overlay it over already created Basemap
>>>> object.
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>>> Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
>>> USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
>>> Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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