2013/1/16 Kelson Zawack <k...@cornell.edu>:
> I want to create a matplotlib figure as part of a program I am writing
> and therefore would like to create the figure in a fully object oriented
> way, ie not in the pyplot state-full way.  I understand how to work with
> a figure object to create axes objects and then fill the axes objects
> with primitive artists but I can't figure out what type of object to put
> the figure object in to get it displayed.  From digging around in the
> source it looks like the show() method comes from the backend, but when
> I looked in 'matplotlib/backends/backend_agg' I saw no such object.
> What am I missing?  I guess I could put the figure in a Qt window, but I
> like the functionality provided by the default matplotlib window.
> Thanks for the help

if you need an embedded figure in some gui app (supported with
matplotlib backends),
you may check some demos on this topic:
embedding_in_ ... (gtk, tk, qt, wx)
You can also reuse the gui elements such as toolbar etc.
I have no experience with qt, but apparently, there is an example for this:
Or is it some more specific problem, you are encountering?


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