SciPy 2013 was a great success. I didn't get good headcount at the matplotlib BOF, but it was a good number, and we had 15 participants at various points during the sprints. It was nice to see the diversity of experience with matplotlib at the sprints, and I hope we oldtimers were helpful to the newtimers getting started so they can continue to contribute in the future. It was also great to put some faces to many of the talented names I've been seeing on github and the mailing list lately.

I've summarized the matplotlib BOF as well as the sprint. I've also gone ahead and created MEP placeholders and issues for the major themes discussed.

Both of these documents are based on the realtime etherpad notes we made during the sessions, and on some of my own recollection, which is known to be incomplete or incorrect on occasion. If I missed something, or you feel something isn't expressed in the right light, feel free to edit the wiki, but we should keep further discussion on the mailing list, github issues or other channels. It would also be great to have volunteers to help write a MEP or two based on the BOF discussion.

Thanks again.  It was really nice to meet all of you!

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