A quick apology for a typo in my previous message, the method in question
is drawcoastlines(), not drawcontinents(). The code snippet should still be
correct though!

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Alex Goodman <alex.good...@colostate.edu>wrote:

> Hi Chao,
> Actually it is possible to remove the borders for Antarctica with basemap.
> The default method for drawing the continents in basemap, drawcontinents(),
> returns an instance of matplotlib.collections.LineCollection. What you will
> want to do is manually remove the line segments within the collection that
> correspond to Antarctica. For example,
> # m is a Basemap instance
> lcol = m.drawcoastlines()
> segs = lcol.get_segments()
> for i, seg in enumerate(segs):
>      # The segments are lists of ordered pairs in spherical (lon, lat),
> coordinates.
>      # We can filter out which ones correspond to Antarctica based on
> latitude using numpy.any()
>      if np.any(seg[:, 1] < -60):
>           segs.pop(i)
> lcol.set_segments(segs)
> This should do the trick unless I made a silly typo somewhere.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Sterling Smith <smit...@fusion.gat.com>wrote:
>> Chao,
>> I know nothing of the Basemap toolkit so I can't comment on the removal
>> of continents, but presumably the text command you are using takes some
>> keywords to set the properties of the bounding box.  Try setting the
>> background of the bounding box to white so that your words show up cleanly.
>>  Feel free to let me know that I'm barking up the wrong tree.
>> -Sterling
>> On Dec 30, 2013, at 3:46PM, Chao YUE wrote:
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > Happy new year!
>> >
>> > I am using Basemap toolkit to make some maps, I would like to
>> > write something at the bottom of the map, whose position is now
>> > taken by the contourf of Antarctica. Is there a way I can keep contours
>> > of other continents but suppressing the one for antarctica? I attached
>> > showing why I would like to have this.
>> >
>> > thanks for any help,
>> >
>> > Chao
>> > --
>> >
>> ***********************************************************************************
>> > Chao YUE
>> > Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE-IPSL)
>> > Batiment 712 - Pe 119
>> > 91191 GIF Sur YVETTE Cedex
>> > Tel: (33) 01 69 08 29 02; Fax:
>> >
>> ************************************************************************************
>> >
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> --
> Alex Goodman
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Department of Atmospheric Science
> Colorado State University

Alex Goodman
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Atmospheric Science
Colorado State University
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