You should be using conda to install matplotlib:

conda create --name mpl33 matplotlib python=3.3 ipython-notebok
source activate mpl33

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:11 AM, grivet <> wrote:

> Under Win7pro, I have tried to install matplotlib by running either
> matplotlib-1.3.0.win32-py3.3.exe or
> matplotlib-1.3.1.win32-py3.3.exe. In each case, the installer tells
> pythion-3.3 is not in the registry (although
> Anaconda was successfully installed previousle). A pop-up window then
> opens, asking me for the python
> and installation directories. It proves impossible to write anything in
> this window.
> Does anybody know what's wrong in my set up ?
> TIA for any help
> JP Grivet*
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