I'm sorry, these are questions that could be found in the Axes 
documentation, but I really don't feel like scrolling through 100 pages 
that are irrelevant hoping I can find the relevant functions, which I 
don't even know what they are called. Is there ever going to be a 
concise listing of functions? Also there seem to be a lot of 
undocumented functions related to bounding boxes and copying from the 
background--I had to find Stack Overflow examples to learn about those.

What I want to do is

(1) plot a couple of lines with y autoscaling and x autoscaling on
(2) turn off y autoscaling so the y limits do not change further if the 
x limits are changed
(3) change the x limits

What axes functions are needed?

Note that I'm not using pyplot, rather the API so I'm looking for 
methods of Axes.


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