On 4/23/2014 2:41 PM, Eric Firing wrote:
> On 2014/04/23 11:19 AM, Michael Mossey wrote:
>> I'm sorry, these are questions that could be found in the Axes
>> documentation, but I really don't feel like scrolling through 100 pages
>> that are irrelevant hoping I can find the relevant functions, which I
>> don't even know what they are called. Is there ever going to be a
>> concise listing of functions? Also there seem to be a lot of
> PRs for doc improvements are welcome!
>> undocumented functions related to bounding boxes and copying from the
>> background--I had to find Stack Overflow examples to learn about those.
> Doesn't the search box in the html docs help?  Or just plain browser
> searching when you are looking at the Axes API docs?
> I also find that ipython is very helpful, with tab completion and the
> question mark for getting the doc string.  E.g., make an axes object and
> then use tab completion to see the methods that start with auto, and
> follow with a question mark to see the docstring.  Or a double question
> mark to see the code.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try them. I working with WinPython so I 
think I already have ipython and Spyder to help me.


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