On 2015/02/14 9:15 AM, Tommy Carstensen wrote:
> Eric, it works if I do:
>           return MultipleLocator.tick_values(self, vmin, vmax)[2:]
> But not if I do as first suggested by you:
>           return MultipleLocator.tick_values(self, vmin, vmax)[1:]

Are you using my test script but getting a different result?  If not, 
what is the difference in your test script?

> I don't understand this behaviour. It should be [1:]. I'll just set
> the ticks manually. Seems to be the easiest thing. It would be
> awesome, if MPL had the same behaviour as gnuplot, which allows me to
> simply do:
> set xtics <start>, <incr>

def xtics(ax, start, incr):
     stop = ax.dataLim.x1 + 0.01 * incr
     ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(start, stop, incr))

Now invoke that function *after* all your plot calls, so that the 
dataLim bounding box includes all the data in your plot.


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