On 2015/03/09 8:14 PM, Marin GILLES wrote:
> Hi,
> As suggested in PR 2702
> <https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/2702>, I have been trying
> to tell |scatter| to |get_current_color_cycle| for the facecolor. I
> guess I can use |axes.get_color()|to get the current color in the color
> cycle.
> However, I was not able to try this, as when I try to import pyplot I
> get an |ImportError: No module named _path|. It seems to be library
> related, but I’m not quite sure how I can solve this…

It sounds like your installation is broken; _path is an extension module 
compiled from C++, and central to matplotlib's functionality.

In what environment are you working?  Did this failure arise after you 
modified code and then executed "python setup.py install" or something 
of that sort?


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