Hallo Basem,
I guess, except if it's already somewhere else calculated, you can just grab 
the abs(mpc.branch(:,14)) (power injected at one end)and divide by the 
mpc.branch(:,6) (rating A). I
Fot the losses just calculate the current and multiply it by the losses  and 
save it at some vector
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 18:33:33 +0200
From: basem.id...@iwes.fraunhofer.de
To: matpowe...@cornell.edu
Subject: Line loading

Hi all,
I am a beginner user of Matpower, and I would like to know how I can calculate 
the loding of a branch (e.g. in percentage). I also need to know how I can save 
the losses of the branches in a matrix.
Thanks in advance for any answer,
Basem Idlbi
Basem Idlbi
Division Systems Engineering and Distribution Grids
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology, IWES
Königstor 59 | 34119 Kassel / Germany
Phone +49 561 7294-166 | Fax +49 561 7294-200

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