Essentially correct … I will add a few more comments …

1. If the OPF still solves successfully (success = 1), then you can ignore the 
warning. If not, you should probably leave one generator’s active power output 
essentially unconstrained (like a slack bus) to allow for non-empty feasible 

2. When using a non-zero PMIN value, you can use MATPOWER’s runuopf() function 
to include a simple heuristic that shuts down generators if that would improve 
the objective function.


On May 15, 2014, at 10:18 AM, Göktürk Poyrazoğlu <> wrote:

> Hi Ms. Dogan,
> I will try to give some simple answers to your questions, yet if you need 
> more information, please don't hesitate to write back.
> For your first question, what you got as a message is not actually an error 
> message but kind of a warning.
> The solution method of an OPF problem adopted in MATPOWER needs to get the 
> inverse of the matrix. This warning you got states that matrix is close to 
> singular (singular matrix is non-invertible) so that computationally you 
> cannot trust the inverse of a matrix, which is closed to singular.
> I may suggest you to increase the interval you used for reactive power 
> generation. You may increase the value in 4th column of mpc.gen matrix and 
> decrease the value in 5th column of mpc.gen. This change will increase the 
> reactive power generation interval.
> If that doesn't work, the reason of singularity might be the values you used 
> for Pmax and Pmin. You may want to change and try again.
> For your second question, the value you got (7,....e-06) can be treated as 
> zero. Exact zero in optimization problem is computationally difficult. 
> Generally, the solvers use a small epsilon value as a stopping criterion. In 
> other words, every number less than epsilon is actually zero.
> Yet if I couldn't convince you, or if you want to have exact zero in the 
> generation, then I suggest you to use GEN_STATUS column(8th column) at 
> mpc.gen matrix to take the generator out of service. This will lead MATPOWER 
> not take that generator into account, so it will give you exact zero in the 
> generation. 
> For the second part of your question, if you want a generator to generate at 
> least 5MW, then change the value of PMIN (10th column) in mpc.gen matrix to 
> 5. But this constraint will force this generator to generate at least 5MW. As 
> far as I know, there is no way to tell MATPOWER; I want the status of a 
> generator to be OFF if the generation is less than 5MW and ON if the 
> generation is more than 5MW. I cannot help you on that. 
> I hope those information are helpful. 
> Regards,
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Gokturk Poyrazoglu
> Teaching Assistant | Student Assistant  
> Department of Electrical Engineering / The State University of New York at 
> Buffalo
> 230V Davis Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260
> Phone : (716) 239 - 8095
> E-mail :
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:01 AM, Gamze Dogan <> wrote:
> Hi, I am new at using Matpower and I have two questions:
> 1. I tried to launch an OPF but I wanted it to only vary the reactive power 
> of the generators to get to a solution, thus I put Pmax, Pmin and Pg to the 
> same values. Apparently I cannot do that because I get the following error 
> message:
> > In mips at 422
>   In mipsopf_solver at 145
>   In opf_execute at 106
>   In opf at 225
>   In runopf at 96
>   In MAIN at 190
> Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
>          Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 2.164066e-019.
> Do you know how to help me?
> 2. I put a generator to 0 production and then I launch my OPF, the results 
> gave me for that generator a production of 7,00441667255350e-06
> My question is, how can I ask my OPF not to start a generator for a 
> production that low? Let's say that I want my OPF to start a generator for at 
> least a production of 5MW?
> Thank you for your help,
> Regards,
> G.D.

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