(First of all, this is not a valid MATPOWER case file … the gen matrix needs to 
have 21 columns).

I’m pretty sure these are simply numerical issues. Your network has a huge 
range for branch reactances (from 1e-4 up to 7.2415), and I’m sure the zero 
cost generation doesn’t help. It turns out that some solvers do converge 
(IPOPT, MINOPF, TRALM) using the default starting point, and others (MIPS and 
KNITRO) converge if you use the power flow solution to initialize the OPF.



>> load mpc
>> mpopt = mpoption('verbose', 2, 'opf.ac.solver', 'MIPS', 
>> 'out.suppress_detail', 1, 'opf.init_from_mpc', 1);
>> r = runopf(mpc, mpopt);                                                      
MATPOWER Version 5.0, 17-Dec-2014 -- AC Optimal Power Flow
MATLAB Interior Point Solver -- MIPS, Version 1.1, 17-Dec-2014
 it    objective   step size   feascond     gradcond     compcond     costcond  
----  ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
  0          2.71              0.00320952        0.005      394.161            0
  1     13.561367    0.45467    0.0131881      49.7247      129.098   0.00108484
  2     2.5810166     0.2459  0.000347117      5.81263      30.6224   0.00109655
  3     3.0946997  0.0073205  1.34869e-07       0.5504      3.18123  5.13551e-05
  4     3.1139811 0.00033848  8.72888e-10    0.0214386     0.318187  1.92754e-06
  5     3.1489261 0.00061552  2.90301e-09     0.018371    0.0318179  3.49342e-06
  6     3.0091397  0.0024621    4.645e-08    0.0117079   0.00598559  1.39742e-05
  7      2.710015  0.0068676  2.23731e-07    0.0199562  0.000603092  2.99035e-05
  8     2.7116241 2.7338e-05  5.10117e-12  8.49417e-06  6.03182e-05  1.60873e-07
  9     2.7101543 2.5902e-05  5.14787e-12  8.06346e-07  6.03182e-06  1.46939e-07
 10     2.7100156 2.4442e-06  1.27526e-13  7.54021e-09  6.03182e-07   1.3865e-08

Converged in 0.06 seconds
Objective Function Value = 2.71 $/hr
|     System Summary                                                           |

How many?                How much?              P (MW)            Q (MVAr)
---------------------    -------------------  -------------  -----------------
Buses            192     Total Gen Capacity      25.0         -25.0 to 25.0
Generators         4     On-line Capacity        25.0         -25.0 to 25.0
Committed Gens     4     Generation (actual)      3.5               1.7
Loads             73     Load                     3.4               1.6
  Fixed           72       Fixed                  3.3               1.6
  Dispatchable     1       Dispatchable           0.1 of 0.1       -0.0
Shunts             0     Shunt (inj)             -0.0               0.0
Branches         191     Losses (I^2 * Z)         0.05              0.16
Transformers     191     Branch Charging (inj)     -                0.0
Inter-ties         0     Total Inter-tie Flow     0.0               0.0
Areas              1

                          Minimum                      Maximum
                 -------------------------  --------------------------------
Voltage Magnitude   0.957 p.u. @ bus 171        1.000 p.u. @ bus 1   
Voltage Angle      -2.53 deg   @ bus 158        0.00 deg   @ bus 1   
P Losses (I^2*R)             -                  0.01 MW    @ line 1-2
Q Losses (I^2*X)             -                  0.09 MVAr  @ line 1-2
Lambda P            0.00 $/MWh @ bus 1          0.00 $/MWh @ bus 171 
Lambda Q            0.00 $/MWh @ bus 1          0.00 $/MWh @ bus 171 

> On Jan 10, 2015, at 5:02 AM, Simone Cochi <simoneco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all, 
> I can’t get the convergence for the OPF on a radial distribution network 
> described by the mpc file that I attached. The power flow with this case file 
> converge and all the voltage busses are between without violating any 
> costraints. The OPF doesn’t converge with the standard voltage constraints 
> but if I relax them, the opf converge with voltage very high voltage levels. 
> If I relax all the busses voltage constraints and I set Vmin=Vmax for the bus 
> 1 (primary substation) the of converge and the voltage profiles are as 
> expected. Can someone explain this behavior?
> Simone
> <mpc.mat>

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