What's its Matlab version?

On Jan 17, 2015, at 5:46 PM, "Carlos Cruzat Hermosilla" 
<ccruz...@gmail.com<mailto:ccruz...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi All

I am trying to run my power flow in a different computer and I got the attached 
error . I am pretty sure that it is nothing to do with the code, due to this 
run perfectly in my computer, so could anybody help me to solve this problem?



Adding new fields to an object is not permitted.

Error in opf_model/userdata (line 46)
    om.userdata.(name) = val;

Error in opf_setup (line 227)
  om = userdata(om, 'Bf', Bf);

Error in opf (line 219)
om = opf_setup(mpc, mpopt);

Error in runopf (line 96)
[r, success] = opf(casedata, mpopt);

Error in rundcopf (line 94)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = runopf(casedata, mpopt,
fname, solvedcase);

Error in Simulation_Two (line 223)

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