Hi Jovan, all,

Thanks for contributing those points!

It's interesting to note that the resistance distance between nodes can also be calculated by simpler eigen/spectral techniques, as in http://repository.ias.ac.in/77807/ and so matrix inversions aren't essential. Anyway, I more meant "quick and efficient" in the sense of rapidly achieving something with just a few lines of MATLAB script, being the (sometimes) lazy engineer that I am!

In my experience, which is, I freely admit, quite limited, the Zthev between two buses is actually a usefully accurate predictor of the incremental phase angle shift that a 1 MW transaction between those buses will require.

I know Paul Hines and his group in Vermont have done some interesting work in the area of electrical distance using the Klein formula; that may be of interest. I'm afraid my work in this area is still in review!



On 17/02/2015 15:35, Jovan Ilic wrote:


I would not call calculating Zbus "fast and efficient". Also, using resistance distance might make sense in standard electric circuits but it does not make sense in power
networks with constant powers.

As far as I know there is not a very good, theoretically sound, way of calculating electrical
distance in power systems.  I would love to be corrected on this one.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Paul Cuffe <paul.cu...@ucd.ie <mailto:paul.cu...@ucd.ie>> wrote:

    Hi Hans,

    There is indeed a fast and efficient way to calculate this, though
    you don't encounter it often in the power systems literature.

    You can use the Klein resistance distance, as defined here:

    Once you have inverted your Ybus matrix to get the Zbus, you can
    calculate the Thevenin impedance between any two nodes, i and j,
    as follows:

    Of course, the reciprocal of the Zthev impedance value will give
    the effective admittance between any two nodes.

    Hope this helps,


    On 17/02/2015 15:06, Barrios, Hans wrote:

    Hello everybody,

    I was wondering if somebody had already the following issue:

    I would like to create a “full version” of the Y-matrix, i.e. a
    matrix where (as long as there is only one synchronous grid) the
    admittance between each bus is given, even if the bus are not
    connected directly by one branch.

    If I am not missing anything, the Admittance between each bus
    should be a simple calculation of parallel an series admittances.

    But I was wondering, if anyone knows a fast and efficient way I
    can used to calculate this also for big grid structures.

    Thank you in advance for your contributions!

    Best regards


    *Hans Barrios Büchel, M.Sc.*


    Institut für Hochspannungstechnik / Institute for High Voltage

    - Nachhaltige Übertragungssysteme / Sustainable Transmission Systems
    - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Assistant

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    Mail. barr...@ifht.rwth-aachen.de

    Web. www.ifht.rwth-aachen.de <http://www.ifht.rwth-aachen.de/>

-- Dr. Paul Cuffe,
    Senior Researcher,
    Electricity Research Centre,
    University College Dublin.

    Phone:+353-1-716 1743  <tel:%2B353-1-716%201743>

Dr. Paul Cuffe,
Senior Researcher,
Electricity Research Centre,
University College Dublin.

Phone: +353-1-716 1743

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