
Let me clarify.  If you run a power flow you can obtain all the currents
and transfer the
constant P/Q loads into constant RLC you can rebuild your admittance matrix
this new RLC values.  From here, calculating the electrical distance using
Z matrix
is nothing new.  However, as soon as the load changes you have to do it all
over again.
My point is, you cannot have a single electrical distance matrix for a
given system.

Paul, I know Paul Hines and I have read a couple of his group's papers on
distance.  If memory serves, their approach suffered from the same problem
ignoring the load.  This was a 3-4 years (or more) ago and they might have
made a
breakthrough but I'd have to do some reading,

Another interesting approach that I ran into was based on the Jacobian but
I do not
remember the details.  I have the paper somewhere and if somebody is really
how it was done I can look for it.  In that approach calculating the
equivalent RLC
load is not needed but again, the Jacobian changes with the load.

I hope I made clear what I meant by my previous e-mail.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Jose Luis Marin <>

> Jovan,
> I agree it's not fast and efficient, as it involves inverting the
> admittance matrix.  However, I do not see why not Klein's impedance
> distance could be used in power networks.  I mean, the fact that some (ok,
> most) injections are expressed as constant power does not invalidate the
> fact that it's an electric circuit governed by Kirchoff laws.
> Incidentally, we have sometimes used the path of greatest admittance
> between two given nodes as an heuristic measure of "closeness" (actually,
> the net impedance of such path).  It all depends what you want to use these
> distances for.
> --
> Jose L. Marin
> Gridquant España SL
> Grupo AIA
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Jovan Ilic <> wrote:
>> Paul,
>> I would not call calculating Zbus "fast and efficient".  Also, using
>> resistance distance
>> might make sense in standard electric circuits but it does not make sense
>> in power
>> networks with constant powers.
>> As far as I know there is not a very good, theoretically sound, way of
>> calculating electrical
>> distance in power systems.  I would love to be corrected on this one.
>> Jovan
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Paul Cuffe <> wrote:
>>>  Hi Hans,
>>> There is indeed a fast and efficient way to calculate this, though you
>>> don't encounter it often in the power systems literature.
>>> You can use the Klein resistance distance, as defined here:
>>> Once you have inverted your Ybus matrix to get the Zbus, you can
>>> calculate the Thevenin impedance between any two nodes, i and j, as follows:
>>> Of course, the reciprocal of the Zthev impedance value will give the
>>> effective admittance between any two nodes.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Paul
>>> On 17/02/2015 15:06, Barrios, Hans wrote:
>>>  Hello everybody,
>>> I was wondering if somebody had already the following issue:
>>> I would like to create a “full version” of the Y-matrix, i.e. a matrix
>>> where (as long as there is only one synchronous grid) the admittance
>>> between each bus is given, even if the bus are not connected directly by
>>> one branch.
>>> If I am not missing anything, the Admittance between each bus should be
>>> a simple calculation of parallel an series admittances.
>>> But I was wondering, if anyone knows a fast and efficient way I can used
>>> to calculate this also for big grid structures.
>>> Thank you in advance for your contributions!
>>> Best regards
>>> Hans
>>> *Hans Barrios Büchel, M.Sc.*
>>> Institut für Hochspannungstechnik / Institute for High Voltage Technology
>>> - Nachhaltige Übertragungssysteme / Sustainable Transmission Systems
>>> - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Assistant
>>> RWTH Aachen University
>>> Schinkelstraße 2, Raum SG 115.1
>>> 52056 Aachen
>>> Germany
>>> Tel.   +49 241 80-94959
>>> Fax.  +49 241 80-92135
>>> Mail.
>>> Web.
>>> --
>>> Dr. Paul Cuffe,
>>> Senior Researcher,
>>> Electricity Research Centre,
>>> University College Dublin.
>>> Phone: +353-1-716 1743

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