For me, the original case does not solve due to the fact that there are two 
islands and one does not have a slack bus. Setting bus 4 to be a slack bus 
resolves the issue. The NaNs in your results are at the islanded buses.

However, I’m curious about the fact that you are seeing convergence. Are you 
saying that the following shows results.success being 1?

s = load('mpz’);
mpz = loadcase(s.mpzzone1);
results = runpf(mpz)

For me it shows results.success == 0. What version of MATPOWER are you using 
(send me the output of mpver)? 

FYI, here are some other commands I used to help diagnose the problem ...

mpz1 = extract_islands(mpz, 1)
mpz2 = extract_islands(mpz, 2)
mpz.bus(4, BUS_TYPE) = REF;
results = runpf(mpz)


> On Aug 16, 2016, at 11:10 AM, Gamze Dogan <> wrote:
> Gamze Dogan has shared OneDrive files with you. To view them, click the links 
> below.
> mpz.mat
>  <!AjkY5zKsnP8ogV_Yv-yHLYWlqGCE> 
> <!AjkY5zKsnP8ogV_Yv-yHLYWlqGCE>        
> mpz.mat <!AjkY5zKsnP8ogV_Yv-yHLYWlqGCE>
> resultsLF.mat
>  <!AjkY5zKsnP8ogWCluIG5F8JTQIJH> 
> <!AjkY5zKsnP8ogWCluIG5F8JTQIJH>        
> resultsLF.mat <!AjkY5zKsnP8ogWCluIG5F8JTQIJH>
> Dear all,
> I have a question about the function runpf. I have launched it for a case, 
> and it converged. 
> But when I look at the results, I get "NaN" for the reactive power production 
> of some generators. Is this possible? It seems strange to me...
> You can find attached the case in mpz and the results of the load flow in 
> resultsLF.
> Thank you for your help
> Gamze

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