I did a thorough study of makeYbus() (both a code analysis and step-by-step
executions) and was able to answer the majority of my questions. However, I
still can't get the mathematical sense on how a diagonal element with
multiple transformers is treated.

As an example consider case14.m bus 4, here is stripped down version of its
portion of the branch input matrix:

fbus |  tbus |  r       | x       | b      |  ratio  |  angle
2    |  4    |  0.05811 | 0.17632 | 0.034  |  0      |  0
3    |  4    |  0.06701 | 0.17103 | 0.0128 |  0      |  0
4    |  5    |  0.01335 | 0.04211 | 0      |  0      |  0
4    |  7    |  0       | 0.20912 | 0      |  0.978  |  0
4    |  9    |  0       | 0.55618 | 0      |  0.969  |  0

There are 5 lines that meet at bus 4, 2 have transformers (albeit with no
phase shift, but that shouldn't be important) and of the remaining 3, 2
have line charging.

What is the general formula for a diagonal element?

Thanks a lot

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <abhy...@anl.gov>

> Please take a look at the function makeYbus().
> > On Aug 26, 2016, at 10:05 AM, davor sutic <davor.su...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to understand the effects of having a transformer connected
> to a branch on the implicated admittance matrix. In the MatPower manual,
> section 3.2, equation 3.2 describes such a relation for a 2x2 branch
> admittance matrix.
> >
> > I'm interested in the general form of the (diagonal and off-diagonal)
> elements of an admittance matrix, when multiple branches have transformers
> attached. Particularly the diagonal elements are confusing, how are the
> elements summed up, if multiple have transformers?
> >
> > Further, in the test case files, the absence of a transformer is
> indicated with its ratio and angle set to 0. In the mentioned equation
> (3.2) that would cause problems when dividing with 0. So another question
> is how are those elements treated in the light of formula 3.2?
> >
> > Thanks a lot.

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