Hello to everyone

I am new to MATPOWER and I am trying to operate an OPF analysis in a MV
grid constisted of two feeders.
The first feeder has 10 inductive loads and the second feeder has 10
photovoltaic units and their are connected to the grid by the slack bus.
What I want to achieve is loss minimization by allocating the reactive
power among the photovoltaic units in a optimal way. The nominal active
power of the PV units is 10.6 MW and the load is 6 MW so the extra active
power is being absorbed by the HV/MV Grid.
Also I want the slack bus to operate at constant 1.05 pu voltage so in the
mpc.bus slack bus has voltage limits Vmax=Vmin=1.05.
Also I want the PV units to operate in nominal power so in mpc.gen their
active power limits are Pmax=Pmin=Pnom.

Finally the mpc.gencost matrix constists of 11 rows and every row has these
elements     1 0 0 2 2   4; because I read in the archive that in order to
achieve loss minimization you need the same linear costs in the gencost

When I run runopf(mycase) I take the following errors

Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in opf_setup (line 84)
  x1 = mpc.gencost(pwl1, COST+2);

Error in opf (line 198)
om = opf_setup(mpc, mpopt);

Error in runopf (line 75)
[r, success] = opf(casedata, mpopt);

Also, I would like to ask whether my problem can be formulated in MATPOWER.

Thank you in advance

Alexandros Gesios

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