
I have implemented the two area kundur topology in the matpower software. I can 
successfully run a PF and OPF. My next goal is the change the objective of the 
OPF so that the voltages on the busses are as close to unity as possible 
independently from the cost of the generators. For this i modified my gencost 
matrix so that all the generators have the same cost. the next step is to add 
my objective while the constrains stay the same. Because i don't need to add 
any values because Vm is already in the x matrix this process should be quite 
straightforward but i keep failing.

My objective function is fmin=(Vm-1)^2 for all the voltages of the busses. How 
do i implement this?

i looked at the "add_costs" function but don't really know where i should use 
this function.

i tried the direct implementation method of cheaper 7. should i just but the 
values of the H,N,Cw,... in de Kundur file that I use to perform 

or could i just modify the gencost matrix to make a "buscost" matrix where all 
the polynomial cost functions are as defined above?

Could you please give me some more directions on how to solve this problem?

thanks in advance

kind regards

Weckx Robin

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