The parameter RATE_A simply defines the limit imposed on the flow in that line. 
The optimization (OPF) determines the most cost effective way to satisfy all 
the constraints simultaneously. So what particular changes result from reducing 
RATE_A for a specific branch will depend on the situation. It will generally 
involve changes in all of the optimization variables (voltage magnitudes and 
angles and generator active and reactive injections).


On Mar 17, 2020, at 11:14 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Ray, thanks for your help.
I asked a question before about if I want to reduce 50% power of branch 15-23 
in case30.m, you answer was modifying Rate_A. I am not sure how does Rate_A 
work? Does it mean lower the voltage at both ends of the line?

Thanks again!

------------------ Original ------------------
From: Ray Daniel Zimmerman <<>>
Date: Fri,Mar 13,2020 0:34 AM
Subject: Re: how to modify parameter to redcuce branch power

If you are running the standard optimal power flow successfully, it ensures 
that the solution contains no overloads or voltage constraint violations with 
respect to the limits you have supplied in the inputs. For a power flow 
solution, you can use the checklimits() function available in extras/misc to 
see which constraints are violated.

If you are asking about how to come up with reasonable values to use for the 
limits in your input file, I’m afraid that is a system specific modeling 
question that I can’t help you with. It would depend on a lot of engineering 
considerations for your particular system.


On Mar 11, 2020, at 10:32 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks, Ray.

I have some other questions:
Where can I know if  the line transmission power is overload? In case30.m, if I 
want to calculate the line transmission power limit, how do I set the rated 
transmission capacity of the line? And how about voltage violation? Should the 
rating be self-set if I want to calculate it?

Thanks for your patience.

------------------ Original ------------------
From: Ray Daniel Zimmerman <<>>
Date: Tue,Mar 10,2020 0:45 AM
Subject: Re: how to modify parameter to redcuce branch power

The nodal price is essentially the increase in the objective function resulting 
from an additional unit of demand at the corresponding node. For a system that 
is not highly constrained, this is often something close to the marginal cost 
of the most expensive generator needed to meet the demand. So the nodal prices 
are closely related to the range of generator marginal costs. However, under 
certain highly constrained conditions, serving an additional unit of demand at 
one node can require a large shift in generation from an inexpensive to an 
expensive generator, resulting in prices that far exceed even the most 
expensive generator in the system.

Regarding line failure rates, that is not something that is considered at all 
by the traditional power flow or optimal power flow problems. On the other 
hand, if you are explicitly modeling line outages as contingencies (with 
specific probabilities) in MOST, then the probability of a particular line 
failure could have an effect on the solution, but the effect would depend on 
many other factors.


On Mar 6, 2020, at 9:12 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Dear Ray,
Thanks for your help! I have done some work what I want. But I still have one 
question about node price- how does nodal price change in a range? Does the 
range set in the beginning?

And I have another problem want to ask. If the line failure rate is known, how 
will it affect the line flow? Can I solve it by adjusting the load? I don’t 
know whether it is proper.

Warm regards.

------------------ Original ------------------
From: Ray Daniel Zimmerman <<>>
Date: Fri,Mar 6,2020 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: how to modify parameter to redcuce branch power

You’ll have to write your own code to implement the second option I mentioned 
before, namely …

The other option is simply to run the single-period OPF (using runopf) 
sequentially for each hour in a loop and use the ramp rate to limit the 
feasible dispatch range in the input to runopf. That is, you would set the PMIN 
and PMAX for each generator in hour t to the more restrictive of (1) the 
physical capacity limits of the generator, (2) the maximum down/up ramp from 
the hour t–1 dispatch.

If you are using a 1 hour time step, you would probably want to use two times 
RAMP_30 for the maximum dispatch change. So to restrict the input for the OPF 
for hour t, you would do something like the following, where results contains 
the OPF result from hour t–1, and mpc contains the input case for hour t …

ramp_Pmax = results.gen(:, PG) + 2 * results.gen(:, RAMP_30);
ramp_Pmin = results.gen(:, PG) - 2 * results.gen(:, RAMP_30);
mpc.gen(:, PMIN) = max(mpc.gen(:, PMIN), ramp_Pmin);
mpc.gen(:, PMAX) = min(mpc.gen(:, PMAX), ramp_Pmax);


On Mar 5, 2020, at 9:59 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks, Ray.
So, how can I use ramp rate in this? What work or code can I do?


------------------ Original ------------------
From: Ray Daniel Zimmerman <<>>
Date: Thu,Mar 5,2020 0:30 AM
Subject: Re: how to modify parameter to redcuce branch power

1. The mu values are the shadow prices on the constraints. So they represent 
the marginal value of relaxing that constraint by 1 unit. That is, if you relax 
the bound on the constraint by a small value epsilon, you would expect the 
objective function to decrease by mu * epsilon. So in your case, if you were to 
change Vmax at bus 1 to 1.07, you can expect the objective function to decrease 
by about $2.71. Because of the scale of the units of voltage a number like 270 
is reasonable. It’s not a $/MW number like the shadow price on a power 

2. The value of RAMP_AGC is actually not used internally by runopf() at all, so 
this is expected. Unless you are using RAMP_AGC and the dispatch from a 
previous period to restrict PMIN and PMAX in your input to runopf(), it won’t 
affect anything.

3. The nodal prices for active power at each bus are displayed in the bus table 
as Lambda P, and are available in the results struct as results(:, LAM_P). If 
you turn on the generator section in the output (set out.gen option to 1), it 
will also display the nodal price of the corresponding bus next to each 

Best regards,


On Mar 4, 2020, at 10:02 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Dear Ray,
Thanks for your patience! I tried to do in the first way in the last mail.
1. These are part of results. I have some questions about Vmax mu,Qmax mu, etc. 
I just know these are some parameters of KKT, and I doesn't understand its 
meaning very well, like bus #1, its Vmax mu is 270.571(maybe too large?), so I 
wonder whether the result is proper.
|     Voltage Constraints                                                      |
Bus #  Vmin mu    Vmin    |V|   Vmax    Vmax mu
-----  --------   -----  -----  -----   --------
    1      -      0.940  1.060  1.060   270.571
   11      -      0.940  1.060  1.060    53.835
   13      -      0.940  1.060  1.060    68.797
|     Generation Constraints                                                   |
 Gen   Bus                 Reactive Power Limits
  #     #     Qmin mu     Qmin       Qg       Qmax    Qmax mu
----  -----   -------   --------  --------  --------  -------
   1     1      0.059      0.00      0.00     10.00      -
   4     8       -       -10.00     40.00     40.00     0.054

2. I change the ramp_agc, but results are same, I don't find the reason.
3. May I know the price of each generator in the final result and where can I 
find it?

Thank you very much for your patience in answering my questions, even if it is 
very simple. Under your careful guidance, I read the manual and become more and 
more familiar with matpower.

Best wishes.

At 2020-03-04 05:33:50, "Ray Daniel Zimmerman" 
<<>> wrote:

See my responses to each question below ...

On Mar 3, 2020, at 10:07 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Deae Ray,
Thanks for your reply, and I have dour questions as folllows.
1. If I have daily load data, like total load = [270.33 257.07 247.20 243.93 
247.20 253.47 ... ](24 data), I wrote a loop to run, and use apply_changes to 
input these data, and change ramp rate to implement it. Is this method right? 
In this way, it likes I change data by hand and then I get results. From what 
you said, my understanding is that it takes ramp rate in account, but not very 

That sounds correct to me.

2. If I do as what I think in 1., the sum Pd change, and how do every bus load 
change? I want to use case30.m, do every bus change in proportion to the change 
of total load?

It depends how you define the changes you apply with apply_changes(). If you 
are using a single value (system-wide load) and applying it with the CT_ROW 
column equal to 0 (apply to all rows), then, yes, it will scale the loads 
proportionally to make the total equal the value you specify.

3. If I want to achieve 1. by using MOST, the  case is supposed to be 
simplified into DC model.

Yes, MOST uses a linearized DC model approximation of the network.

4. If I want to reduce 10% active power of the branch 15-23 in case30.m, do I 
change the rate A of bus 15 or bus 23, or both?
using chgtab = [1 0.002 CT_TBRCH  30 RATE_A  CT_REL  0.9;];

You have to find the row index in the branch matrix of the line from bus 15 to 
bus 23, and use that as the row index.

Hope this helps,


I don't know whether it is right.

Warm regards.

At 2020-03-03 00:31:27, "Ray Daniel Zimmerman" 
<<>> wrote:

There are two main options ...

If a linearized DC model of the network is adequate for your purposes, then 
MOST is probably the way to go. It can solve a full multi period OPF problem 
taking into account ramp limits. This allows restrictions in one period to 
affect the dispatch in previous periods, finding the dispatch trajectories that 
are optimal for the entire planning horizon.

The other option is simply to run the single-period OPF (using runopf) 
sequentially for each hour in a loop and use the ramp rate to limit the 
feasible dispatch range in the input to runopf. That is, you would set the PMIN 
and PMAX for each generator in hour t to the more restrictive of (1) the 
physical capacity limits of the generator, (2) the maximum down/up ramp from 
the hour t–1 dispatch.

The latter is simpler and allows you to use an AC network model, but dispatches 
in a given hour are not affected at all by future hours, only past hours, so 
the overall trajectory may not be optimal. For example, you won’t start ramping 
up a cheaper slow ramping unit ahead of time to be available for a peak hour, 
since that would require “look-ahead”.

Hope this helps,


On Mar 1, 2020, at 12:32 PM, yang_hong_yue 
<<>> wrote:

Dear Ray,
I want to run opf with 24h daily load, how can I add the ramp rate constraint 
in code? Can I make it in add some codes or in MOST?
Thanks a lot.

------------------ Original ------------------
From: Ray Daniel Zimmerman <<>>
Date: Sat,Feb 29,2020 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: how to modify parameter to redcuce branch power

The RATE_A column of the branch matrix is used by the OPF to constrain the 
branch flow.


On Feb 28, 2020, at 7:35 AM, Yang 
<<>> wrote:

Dear everyone,
I want to reduce the power of branch, which parameter value should be changed 
in OPF?
For example,if I want to reduce 50% power of branch 15-23 in case30.m, how can 
I make it?
Thanks a lot.

Best wishes.

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