Unfortunately, I do not believe runuopf() will work for this problem, since it 
uses heuristics to de-commit units one at a time based only on binding Pmin 
limits, not on binding reactive power limits, which is what you would need. I 
suppose you could modify uopf() to look at both, but in the end you still have 
a very crude and inefficient heuristic for dealing with the binary decisions, 
with no guarantees on the final optimality gap.

The proper way to solve this problem would be to create an interface in 
MP-Opt-Model for a mixed-integer nonlinear programming solver. Knitro has these 
capabilities, but they have not (yet) been implemented in MP-Opt-Model’s Knitro 
interface. We have nlps_knitro(), but we need a minlps_knitro(). There is also 
a suggestion in the issue tracker to include an interface for 
Bonmin<https://github.com/MATPOWER/mp-opt-model/issues/1>  which also handles 
MINLP problems. Both would be very welcome and useful additions.

Any chance you have time to work on this? I’d be happy to lend my support.


On Sep 9, 2020, at 7:47 AM, yangyang 
<980182...@qq.com<mailto:980182...@qq.com>> wrote:

Dear Alireza SalimAmini

Thank you for your care and blessing. I think I have implemented this using 
runuopf(), a built-in function of matpower to do mixed unit commitment and OPF. 
In such cases where geneators are used to model shunt capacitors and reactors, 
just add a few generators whose real power generation Pg is zero and reactive 
power generation Qg set at a constant value. The Qmax and Qmin in generator 
data has to be identical with the set Qg. Notably, the Pmax and Pmin cannot be 
set to zero because runuopf() will merely deal with generators whose Pmin is 
greater than zero (see source codes of uopf() ). To get "shunt" generators 
involved as candidates of unit commitment programming only calls for Pmin and 
Pmax set at a very small number numerically, say, 1e-6 and 1e-5. This minor 
active power injection will hardly affect the power flow but can get "shunt" 
generators involved.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "MATPOWER discussion forum" 
发送时间: 2020年9月9日(星期三) 下午2:22
收件人: "MATPOWER discussion 
主题: Re: optimal power flow with unit commitment using mixed integer programming

i wish u are healthy at this conditions( Covid19)
i think if you adjust Qmin and Qmax of capacitors at 'gen' matrix equal to 
6Mvar, it will help , and you can use status ( it is a column in gen matrix as 
came below)   of that capacitor a variable for reactive power balance.

'8  GEN_STATUS  status, > 0 - in service, <= 0 - out of service'

On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 6:34 AM yangyang 
<980182...@qq.com<mailto:980182...@qq.com>> wrote:
Dear all,
I am working on optimal power flow whose objective is the cost of generation 
plus the quadratic deviation of voltage magnitudes to 1.0.  The special part of 
the optimization lies in it that it has to include shunt capacitors and 
reactors in this network apart from conventional generators, which can control 
reactive power and voltages. In this network, the capacitors and reactors are 
modelled as discrete constant reactive power loads, whose values are like 0, 
-6MVar, -12MVar, -18MVar, etc.  I think a practical implementation is to take 
these shunt capacitors as a bunch of generators whose active power generation 
is set to 0 and reactive power generation set to constant values. Say, a chain 
of 6*6MVar shunt capacitors at one bus can be viewed as 6 generators at this 
bus whose active gen is 0 and reactive gen is 6MVar. On my opinion, these shunt 
capacitor or reactor generators should not change their active and reactive 
generation in OPF but only decide which generators should be on, just like unit 
commitment, while other conventional generators will change their active and 
reactive generation continously as conventional OPF. I dont know if it is 
practical using matpower. Despite the miqps_matpower function and the 
new-released mp-opt-model, it seems that no one has done so ever. Would you 
please help me with it? Thank you for you kind patience and consideration.

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