Hi Roberto,

Thanks for the additional information - I'll have to look into my 
supervisor instance, because it doesn't seem to be operating correctly.

Quick question on the index question from before - in the instance where 
you had the index assigned to both Invoice and PO data types, is there a 
way to get Mayan to list out the different document types - for example, 
under Country A will be two links - PO, Invoices?  It would be great if we 
could treat the doc type much the same way as we treat metadata when 
creating indexing expressions.  Also, somewhat along the same vein, is 
there a way to automatically set metadata based on document type?  For 
example, if the user selects Pay Slip, a metadata field will be set to 
"Private" vs. "Public"?

Sorry for all the questions!


On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at 2:18:08 PM UTC+8, Roberto Rosario wrote:
> Hi Samir,
> Glad to hear it worked for you!
> The steps you mentioned are indeed needed. Sorry you had to hunt for 
> these, they were in the documentation in the "Deploying" section (
> http://mayan.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/deploying.html#os-bare-metal
> ).
> I recommend you use a task monitor like "supervisor" which will launch 
> uWSGI and Celery upon startup and even restart them if they die.
> If you plan to use only one worker you don't need to specify the queues in 
> the command line (
> checkouts,mailing,uploads,converter,ocr,tools,indexing,metadata). Not 
> specifying the queues will cause the worker to service all of the existing 
> queues.
> If you have scalability issues or a task like OCR is blocking the creation 
> of thumbnails you can launch another worker (using the exact command line) 
> and assign it to a single queue and balance out the tasks requests. If you 
> add other workers you can't use the -B option (Beat) on the second worker, 
> because only 1 beat generator should run at the same time. You can also run 
> a separate beat generator, using:
> celery -A mayan beat --settings=mayan.settings.production  -l ERROR
> I recommend this from the start so you don't have to worry about it later 
> when you start spinning up more workers to handle larger loads.
> On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 11:59:42 PM UTC-4, Samir wrote:
>> Thanks Roberto for the prompt response.  I've been traveling on business 
>> and haven't had a chance to look into Mayan until today.  Your instructions 
>> worked perfectly and delivered exactly what I needed.
>> To answer your question, the two areas of the install where I had issues 
>> were with Celery and uWSGI.  I found I had to run the following command to 
>> initiate a worker process that generates the beats, because I found I was 
>> uploading documents but they weren't being processed.
>> celery -A mayan worker -l INFO -Q 
>> checkouts,mailing,uploads,converter,ocr,tools,indexing,metadata -Ofair -B
>> Also, I found I kept getting a 502 bad gateway error, and when I looked 
>> into it, it appeared to be caused by the fact that uwsgi was not running, 
>> so I had to manually kickstart that process with the command:
>> uwsgi --ini /usr/share/mayan-edms/uwsgi.ini &
>> I'm not very good with Unix, so it very well could be caused by some 
>> incorrect setting on my test server.  Thanks again!
>> Samir
>> On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:38:37 AM UTC+8, Roberto Rosario wrote:
>>> Thanks!
>>> The deployment instruction have a step setting up Celery workers. What 
>>> issue did you have with the Celery instructions?
>>> The demo is open ended that Invoice document type and Index were created 
>>> by users testing the project.
>>> This is how I solved your use case:
>>>    - Create the Country metadata. I used a lookup of 3 countries for 
>>>    this test.
>>>    - Create two document types: Invoice and Purchase Order.
>>>    - Assign Country metadata type to both document types.
>>>    - Create an index for Invoices (all and per country) as pictured. 
>>>    Link this index to the Invoice document type.
>>>    - Create an index with the same structure for Purchase orders (all 
>>>    and per country) as pictured. Link this index to the Purchase order 
>>>    document type.
>>>    - Create a 3rd index with the same structure for but link this one 
>>>    to the Purchase order and Invoices document types.
>>> On Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 10:58:29 PM UTC-4, Samir wrote:
>>>> First off, thank you for developing this software!  Installation was 
>>>> relatively easy, with the minor exception of getting celery to execute as 
>>>> I 
>>>> had to hunt around for instructions on that - if I was confident of what I 
>>>> was doing, I would contribute the celery instructions to the deployment 
>>>> docs as they're missing.
>>>> I have a couple of questions on Indexes that I hope somebody can help 
>>>> with:
>>>> 1.  On the demo site there's an Index titled Invoice Number.  It is 
>>>> tied to document type Invoices.  Yet, when I upload a document type 
>>>> Invoices, that Index remains empty.  Has that Index been created 
>>>> incorrectly?
>>>> 2.  The problem I have that I do not know how to solve is as follows:
>>>>       - Imagine I have two document types - Purchase Orders and 
>>>> Invoices.
>>>>       - Each document type has the "Country" as its metadata.
>>>>       - I want to be able to click an Index that shows all Purchase 
>>>> Orders regardless of Country; another Index that shows all Invoices 
>>>> regardless of Country; and an Index for each Country (I have no issues 
>>>> pre-defining the country Indexes) which will show all Purchase Orders and 
>>>> Invoices for only that Country.
>>>>       - Is this possible and if so, how do I do something like this?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Samir


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