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Kawan-kawan berikut ini kami forwardkan surat pengantar untuk 
dukungan protokol rakyat di
http://www.petition serta draft Protokol Rakyat 
untuk Perubahan Iklim. Draft ini telah melalui beberapa workshop di 
Indonesia dan akan terus berproses dan disempurnakan hingga Forum 
Rakyat tingkat dunia menjelang Pertemuan Perubahan Iklim Copenhagen 

Andreas Iswinarto
Sarekat Hijau Indonesia

- Segera kami susulkan Protokol Rakyat ini dalam bahasa Indonesia
- Untuk dukungan anda silah klik 

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Climate change is an issue that requires the urgent collective 
action from the civil society and marginalized sectors -especially 
from the South- who will be most affected by climate change.

Below is the draft People's Protocol on Climate Change which 
reflects the aspirations and demands of the people on how climate 
change should be addressed. The draft People's Protocol on Climate 
Change has already undergone a series of workshops in Indonesia. It 
will be finalized and ratified through a grand People's Assembly 
spearheaded by the Pesticide Action Network International (PAN 
International), Coalition of Agricultural Workers International 
(CAWI), People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) and the Asian 
Peasant Coalition (APC) during the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change 

We need your support. Please endorse the draft People's Protocol on 
Climate Change by following the link

Please circulate.

Thank you.


Ava Danlog (IBON Foundation), Don K. Marut (INFID), Syamsul 
Ardiansyah (INDIES), Flint Duxfield (Aid/Watch)

If you would like to comment on the petition, or otherwise  
communicate directly with the petition author, you can contact the 
author at:

To:  organizations, individuals 

People's Protocol on Climate Change (draft) 


The planet is experiencing a climate crisis of catastrophic 
proportions. Drastic action is required to reverse the situation. 
Global temperatures have increased twice as fast in the last 50 
years as over the last century and will rise even faster in the 
coming decades. Eleven of the last twelve years (1995-2006) are 
among the 12 warmest years on record. This is disrupting weather 
patterns, severely damaging the environment, and destroying lives 
and livelihoods - especially of the poorest and most vulnerable. 

This dangerous climatic change is driven by the unprecedented 
increase in human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The 
most dangerous increase is in CO2 emissions from the ever-mounting 
burning of fossil fuels for industry, commerce, transport and 
militarism. The planet's capacity to process these emissions has 
also been crippled by widespread deforestation. As a result, the 
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is now far higher than its 
natural range over the last 650,000 years. Concentrations of methane 
and nitrous oxide, again caused by human industry and agriculture 
have also increased dramatically and are also implicated in causing 
global warming. 

Climate Change will be universally adverse for the world's people 
with greater and more frequent extremes of heat and rainfall 
patterns as well as tropical cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes. 
Africa, Asia and Latin America face shorter growing seasons, lower 
yields, lost or deteriorated agricultural land, decreased 
agricultural production and freshwater shortages. Droughts in Africa 
will bring widespread hunger and famine. Asia is already confronting 
flooding, avalanches and landslides, which will increase illness and 
death. In Latin America, higher temperatures and reduced 
biodiversity in tropical forests will devastate indigenous 
communities. Globally, rising sea levels will flood low-lying areas, 
increased storm surges will threaten coastal communities, and warmer 
sea waters will diminish fish stocks. 

The last centuries have been heralded for great strides in 
technology, production and human progress – but these advances have 
precipitated global ecological and development disasters. On one 
hand a privileged global elite engages in reckless profit-driven 
production and grossly excessive consumption. On the other hand, the 
mass of humanity is mired in underdevelopment and poverty with 
merely survival and subsistence consumption, or even less. The 
world's largest transnational corporations (TNCs) based mainly in 
the Northern countries and with expanding operations in the South, 
have long been at the forefront of these excesses. Indeed the 
powerful industrialized nations of today were built on the severe 
exploitation of the human and natural resources of the global South. 
The pursuit of growth and profit is at the core of exploitation, 
structural poverty and global warming. 

There have already been high-profile schemes for concerted action 
and co-operation to combat global warming. This includes the 
landmark 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) and the 
succeeding Kyoto Agreement. Yet the problem has not been stemmed or 
much less reversed, indeed it has worsened as the limited targets 
and timelines set by the Kyoto Protocol have made no headway. 
Importantly, the Kyoto Protocol does not decisively acknowledge the 
real roots of climate change - globalization and the mad pursuit of 
TNCs for profits. Instead, Kyoto has diminished responsibility and 
accountability for the climate crisis through the marketization of 
energy resources and supply. The offsets and emissions trading 
system transfers adjustment costs from rich to poor, creates new 
dependencies, rewards corporations for polluting and increases their 
opportunities for profits. Northern TNCs and investors have 
sustained and even increased their energy intensive operations 
through relocation to Southern countries, capturing and co-opting 
local elites into the destructive process of capitalist-dominated 
production and consumption. 

Significantly, the Kyoto Protocol does not truly involve grassroots 
communities and peoples who are worst-affected, especially in the 
South. It has grossly neglected the severe damage to their 
livelihoods, well-being and welfare. It does not consistently and 
coherently adhere to the vital developmental principles, especially 
people's sovereignty over natural resources. 

The gravity, scope and depth of the problem demand the greatest 
collective effort and cooperation. No peoples or state can succeed 
alone in addressing the root causes of the problem. At the same 
time, stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions today will not 
immediately impact on rising global temperatures since climate 
processes involve-long time scales and a global responsibility must 
be taken for the immediate and negative impacts that will be felt by 
the poor and marginalized. 

This declaration articulates the values and principles that should 
guide international action and people's struggles against climate 
change and its associated ecological and socioeconomic destruction. 

Statement of values and principles 

We, the people, are united behind certain core development values 
and principles of social justice, democracy, equality and equity, 
gender fairness, respect for human rights and dignity, respect for 
the environment, sovereignty, freedom, liberation and self-
determination, stewardship, social solidarity, participation and 
empowerment. This statement further articulates these principles in 
the context of the global climate crisis. 

1. Social Justice must be guaranteed, acknowledging the systemic 
roots of the climate crisis, the disproportionate responsibility of 
a narrow elite, the disproportionate vulnerability of the majority 
to the adverse effects, the grossly uneven capacity to confront and 
respond, and the legitimate aspirations to development of the people 
apart from the crisis. 

1.1 We emphasize that Climate Change must be understood not merely 
as an environmental issue but as a question of social justice, its 
causes are rooted in the current capitalist-dominated global economy 
which is principally driven by the relentless drive for private 
profits and accumulation. 

1.2 We stress that the current global economic order, driven by the 
Global North and their transnational corporations is the fundamental 
origin of over-exploitation and depletion of resources, of the 
gratuitous use of energy resources and the excessive release of 
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. 

1.3 We thus condemn "free market" policies of "globalization", and 
its aggressive and intrusive expansion into every sector of the 
economy and into the global South, and the exploitation by TNCs of 
the people and the planet. 

1.4 We firmly believe that these neoliberal policies are imposed 
particularly on the people of the global South by powerful foreign 
governments wielding influence through multilateral, regional and 
bilateral mechanisms such as World Trade Organization (WTO) 
agreements, regional and bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs), 
investment agreements and aid conditionalities. 

1.5 We recognize that a very significant part of 
supposedly "Southern" emissions actually result from the energy-
intensive operations of Northern TNCs located in the South for the 
purposes of exploiting local labor and natural resources. We further 
acknowledge that the severe deforestation across Latin America, Asia 
and Africa is most of all due to Northern TNC-driven commercial 
logging, plantation agriculture, mining activities and dam projects 

2. Sovereignty means asserting the power of the people through their 
social movements and genuinely participatory structures as the 
foundation of the global response to the climate change issue. 

2.1 We stress the vital importance and essential role of communities 
and peoples that will be most adversely affected by climate change 
in defining, guiding and determining the work of any and all major 
conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields 
at the local, national, regional and global levels. 

2.2 We commit to spare no efforts in strengthening civil society and 
social movements and, especially, the people's organizations and 
struggles that are the indispensable foundations and most dynamic 
driving force of these. We affirm that people's sovereignty of 
natural resources is indispensable to dealing with the problem of 
climate change and that this must be won in struggle. 

2.3 We are aware that people in both the global North and, 
especially, the South are excluded from participation in governance 
with the unfortunate result that powerful private elite and 
corporate interests exert far greater influence over socioeconomic 

3. Respect for the Environment means a rejection of market 
mechanisms that impose the cash nexus on ecological priorities. The 
needs of the planet and its people must take precedent over the push 
for growth and profits. 

3.1 We recognize that nature is vital for the survival of all and 
that natural resources and their use are essential for sustained 
economic growth, sustainable human development, and the elimination 
of poverty, ill-health and hunger. We are committed to building 
societies where the people enjoy all human rights and fundamental 
freedoms, and in a way that the world we create does not unjustly 
deny the same for future generations. 

3.2 We assert that the needs of people and planet must be placed 
above those of global capital and the wholesale pursuit of private 
profits. The planet's resources must never be reduced to being 
assigned property rights that can be bought, sold, accumulated and 
monopolized by a few for the sake of private gain. 

3.3 We believe that population growth increases humanity's demands 
on nature but that the resources of the planet are sufficient to 
meet these demands if only production, resource-use and consumption 
are organized to meet the needs of the people for life and not of a 
select few for profits. 

4. Responsibility, expressed in the principle of common but 
differentiated responsibilities, requires a mechanism for globally-
inclusive equity. Northern countries share a disproportionate 
responsibility for historic emissions. 

4.1. We acknowledge the greater vulnerability of poor and 
marginalized communities to the adverse effects of climate change. 

4.2. We recognize that there are elite segments of society whose 
current levels of consumption are grossly excessive and cannot and 
should not be maintained, even as those large populations globally 
who are denied basic needs should have these met. These elite 
segments of society must bear the greatest responsibility for the 
climate crisis. 

4.3 We recognize that there are large parts of humanity who are more 
dependent for their survival on their access to and use of natural 
resources, as well as on the state of the climate and the natural 
environment. We then stress that the specific needs of farming 
communities, indigenous peoples, coastal communities, fisherfolk, 
and other marginalized, poor and rural producers need to be given 
special attention in all adaptation efforts. 

4.4 We acknowledge that adaptation is not acceptance of climate 
change but is necessary to provide temporary relief from the initial 
impacts of climate change until global mitigation efforts are 
sufficiently developed to halt global warming. 

Statement of goals and purposes 

1. We acknowledge climate change as a multifaceted issue and that 
the score of interlinked challenges and threats therefore need to be 
confronted in an integrated and coordinated manner if any real 
progress is to be achieved. 

2. We declare our commitment to the significant and far-reaching 
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in line with our core values 
and principles. 

3. We further declare our willingness to work for and support any 
international climate change agreement that is consistent with these 
essential foundations. 

4. We believe that the climate change crisis is not simply about 
adaptation and mitigation, but changing the whole economic framework 
into one of eco-sufficiency and sustainability. 

5. We assert that Kyoto represents a false compromise and commit to 
redressing the fundamental weaknesses of the Kyoto agreement in any 
new protocol or post 2012 agreement. 
a. We reject market-based mechanisms to address climate change as 
diversionary and designed to perpetuate current levels of economic 
activity and profits, if not brazen maneuvering by corporations to 
pass on the burden of dealing with the negative effects of their 
greenhouse gas emissions to the people of the global south. 
b. We acknowledge that technological developments can play a role in 
addressing the climate change issue but are conscious that 
technological fixes in themselves are not just grossly insufficient 
but even used to divert from the need to address root causes. 

6. We are convinced that human progress and the defense of the 
livelihoods, well-being and welfare of the people ultimately require 
an economic system that is socially just, democratic and 
ecologically sustainable. This includes people-oriented agricultural 
and industrial development. 

7. We declare that in order to address the climate crisis, the 
people must have real stewardship, access and control over the 
natural resources on which they depend rather than TNCs, 
international financial institutions or even governments which 
represent the narrow private interests of a global elite and their 
local collaborators. In so-doing we assert people's sovereignty over 
natural resources. 

8. To this end, we shall work for: 
a. National ownership over the nation's resources and productive 
b. Community-level management and decision-making supported by 
national-level authority or public-community partnership in the 
utilization and conservation of these resources; 
c. Transparency in decision-making and disposition of revenues 
raised from the extraction, processing and sale of products derived 
from nature; 
d. A comprehensive national policy framework for economic 
diversification and for meeting the collective needs of the present 
and future generations, especially the poor and marginalized in 
e. A national program for research and development on sustainable 
technologies including recycling methods, renewable energy and other 
alternatives to unsustainable means of production; 
f. Education on ecology and socially responsible consumption; and 
g. Cooperative arrangements with other countries in the stewardship 
of global commons or shared resources such as oceans, rivers, 
forests and the climate. 

9. We affirm the importance of grassroots education, organizing and 
mobilizations to promote and realize our alternative vision and 
program for social transformation. We retain our vigilance even 
where governments have expressed support for a progressive agenda, 
and hold them accountable through popular participation and 
mobilization. We are ever critical of attempts to compromise the 
interests of the majority and the marginalized. 

10. We commit to building on the powerful networks of movements for 
climate action that have emerged worldwide. Localized actions 
against greenhouse gas emissions have spread across the globe and 
deepened everyday development struggles. 

11. We acknowledge the supportive role of adaptation funding for 
Southern countries to help deal with the problem climate change, 
affirm that the far greater responsibility of the North in the 
current climate crisis means that it must bear a far greater 
proportion of the funding responsibility. We decry the fiasco of the 
supposed global adaptation fund which was allotted insignificant 
funding, and criticize efforts such as those by the World Bank (WB) 
to use adaptation funding to distract from the overriding need to 
address the roots of the climate change problem. We stress that 
adaptation funding must be over and above traditional allotments for 
overseas development assistance (ODA). 

12. We assert that restorative justice requires distribution of 
responsibility according to historical per capita emissions, not 
just on a by country basis but more significantly on a by polluter 
basis. The greatest burden of adjustment must be on the Northern 
countries and their TNCs (wherever these are located), as well as on 
Southern elites, who have caused and benefited the most from the 
damage. We further assert that this absolutely requires, at the very 
minimum, Northern commitments and concrete practice to: 
a. Drastically reduce overall energy use and increase energy 
b. Increase unconditional financial compensation to directly address 
the climate crisis in the South; and 
c. Overhaul international trade and investment rules towards 
sustainable development and improvements in the standard of living 
in the South, including also an end to the real or effective 
transfer of Northern polluting industries to the South. 

13. We recognise the need for significant global GHG emissions 
reductions in both the Northern and Southern countries. We assert 
that action on climate change can only succeed if it addresses 
southern emissions, and this requires mechanisms for large scale 
compensatory financing from the global north to global south. 
Specifically this should entail the creation of a global mitigation 
fund, contributed to by the global north, and in particular northern 

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