* Adam Byrtek 'alpha' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Sun, 22 Dec 2002]:

> I've just tried this patch and I like it. It allows to work faster,
> but on the other hand one has to be used to such feature.

Yes, one has to be used to the feature. If you have to think
before you press the numbers or even look at the keyboard, then it
will not be much effective for you. It's nice in combination with
the CTRL+s feature (I remapped it to F12 because I use it so often).

I am now working on incremental vim-like or less-like searching in
the listbox widgets using the '/' key, so I hope that will also
improve the keyboard control effectiveness.

> Maybe after the release you could port this to cvs version?

I'll port it to the CVS version if Pavel shows an interest in the

I still have not switched to the CVS version, because I got some
dozen patches which I can't apply to it without modifications.
I want to wait for the official release before I update them.

BTW if you want to track the CVS tree and have a slow connection,
then this URL might interest you: 


Tomas Styblo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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