On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 05:21:29PM +0100, Patrick Winnertz wrote:
> git diff master > /tmp/$new-patch-to-publish.patch
> git reset --hard $sumoflastcommit (e.g. atm: 
> 4c58d938cbe836c48c105eeb525a2ffc8dd519e5)
> git show # now everything should be clean and no changes should be there.
> git checkout master
> git branch -d foobar (or -D foobar if there are changes which are not merged 
> into master)
> publish now the patch on trac via email or webinterface. 
you want to play with
  git rebase -i
  git format-patch

fwiw, the suggested backporting workflow is quite a nightmare with git,
as all the merging goodies work only with forwardporting.
instead, you need to develop on master (the conventional name for the
trunk), branch for stabilization of each release, do *all* bugfixing in
the current stable branch and merge it back into master each time fixes
have been applied. major new features have to be developed on branches
of master, so they can be merged back into master. everything else
results in use of cherry-pick, format-patch and other commands for
branch merging and is just ugly.

if you need another workflow, git is just not for you. svn 1.5 (with
merge tracking) would serve the backporting model better. dunno whether
some other dvcs would work better.
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