* Slava Zanko <slavaza...@gmail.com> wrote:

(bouncing back to the list ;-p)


> I not fully understand... How automate process of patch submission, 
> in your mind?

Okay, let's take an example:

I'm currently working on some sub-project. Now I've did my work, 
everything seems okay for me and I'd like to publish it. 
All I now (ideally) would have to do is enter some quick command
line (eg. including some description) and the rest goes automatic:
my work is published, ticket opened, etc.

Coming from the other side, it would be cool to have some command
"get me the changes from ticket xyz", so we don't have to download
and apply the patches manually.

> The best solution - use git branches for tracking patches, IMHO.

hmm, heard of that, but never used it.
How does it work ?

> > hmm, do my changes then go to the current branch (assuming
> > I've cloned from there) ?
> Yes, your changes will applyed to the main branch (named 'master').
> You may create any count of commits (via git-commit), but this commits
> placed only in your local copy of repro. You may delete some of this
> commits, verge, revert commits... 

Okay, that's just normal working in the local repo ...

> but if you will run command 'git-push', all of your commits will frozen 
> for changes. Because this commits transferred in parent repro and will 
> see by any developer (via git-pull). git-pull will get latest changes 
> from parent repro (like svn up, or full command: svn update).

But this commits directly to our master repo, thus breaking our workflow,
right ?
> If you want to have own 'sandbox' with some patches (not included in
> 'master'), you may create new local branch:

Can I freely create branches within the master repo ?
And more important: *should* I do this ?

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