On Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 13:51, Christian Gennerat wrote:
> >
> > > > Can you tell us an URL where we can find Oskar Liljeblad's uzip ?
> > >
> > > Sure, I have put the files online at
> > >
> > > http://people.debian.org/~martinb/
> >
> > The code looks very good. I think I'll commit it tonight. One can improve
> > the AWK code forever, but Perl is designed for such tasks.
> Quite the same for big archive files;
> wait about 1 second for small files :-(
> I have still duplicated directories with the joined archive

Thanks to your ZIP archive, I was able to fix this bug...

> > However, I'm going to make some changes. For example, I'll try to enable
> > "use strict".

I have done this in 1.3.0.
Check out the attached files...

Oskar Liljeblad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

uzip is a module for the extfs Virtual File System (VFS) in
Midnight Commander. It allows browsing, extraction and
modification of zip archives.

uzip was written by Oskar Liljeblad. If you find a bug, or know
of an improvement, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

License and Copyright

uzip is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
uzip is copyright (C) 2000-2001 by Oskar Liljeblad.


Info-Zip mode:
  Info-ZIP unzip 5.41 (for listing and extracting files)
  Info-ZIP zip 2.30 (for adding and deleting files)

  any unzip
  any zip


2001-03-01  Oskar Liljeblad  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * Release 1.3.0.
        * Caching of files when listing archives has been fixed. (MC
        would list a directory twice in some cases.)
        * 'strict' is now used. (This is why global variables
        are now initialized using 'my'.)
        * Some code simplifications thanks to more understanding
        of perl :)
        * Minor documentation clarifications.

2001-02-21  Oskar Liljeblad  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * Release 1.2.0.
        * The 'rmdir' extfs command of uzip was modified not to fail
        when deleting directories that doesn't exist. (A different/
        better solution would be to recreate the automaticly deleted
        directories, but that's slower and harder to implement.)
        Strangely, the zip man page does not mention this delete-
        empty-directories behavior.

2000-10-31  Oskar Liljeblad  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * Release 1.1.0.
        * mczipfs_copyin: Fixed order of arguments.
        * safesystem, safeticks: Improved error handling.
        * mczipfs_copyout: Now allows error code 11, and redirects
        stderr to /dev/null.

2000-10-29  Oskar Liljeblad  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * Release 1.0.1.
        * Fixed bug causing files with special permission not to
          be listed.

2000-10-29  Oskar Liljeblad  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * Release 1.0.0: First version.

Differencies between new (Perl) and old (sh/AWK) uzip

The script is written purely in Perl, which (hopefully) means
faster execution and cleaner code.

Listing is done only with either zipinfo or unzip,
not both at the same time. Previously unzip would be used
if the archive contained non-unix file listings (after
zipinfo was run). Now there is an option to choose which
one to use (zipinfo is the default and preferred). This
should make listing of non-unix archives faster.

Files appearing before their parent directories in the listings
are now cached and printed later. This fixes a bug that would
cause some directories to be listed twice.

Temporary filenames are choosen better. That is, they are
generated using tmpnam(3). Previously, hardcoded filenames
(in the current directory) would be used.

The error messages are much better. Errors are checked for
(hopefully) all functions that can fail.

The copyin command no longer makes a copy of the file before
adding it. Instead it makes a temporary directory in which
a symlink to the original file is placed. This should speed
up addition considerably.

The run command is supported.

The theoretic commands "mklink" and "linkout" are supported.
However, MC extfs doesn't support these so they are rather
useless at the moment.

Known problems and Unsupported features

Files added to the archive get listed with a+x permissions in MC.
This appears to be a problem with the MC extfs, and (probably) not uzip.

Extracted files do not have the same modification/access date as
in the archive. The same applies for permissions and ownership.
Fortunately MC extfs will set these attributes based on the file

Interpretation of special information ("central-directory extra field")
in zip archives. This is used to store information such as universal
time and unix UID/GID on files.

It would be nice if listing archives with symbolic links was faster.
Unzip has to be executed once for each link. This is because the
symbolic link file must be extracted in order to get the link

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# zip file archive Virtual File System for Midnight Commander
# Version 1.3.0 (2001-03-01).
# (C) 2000-2001  Oskar Liljeblad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

use POSIX;
use File::Basename;
use strict;

# Configuration options

# Location of the zip program
my $app_zip = '/usr/bin/zip';
# Location of the unzip program
my $app_unzip = '/usr/bin/unzip';
# Set this to 1 if zipinfo (unzip -Z) is to be used (recommended), otherwise 0.
my $op_has_zipinfo = 1;

# Command used to list archives (zipinfo mode)
my $cmd_list_zi = "$app_unzip -Z -l -T";
# Command used to list archives (non-zipinfo mode)
my $cmd_list_nzi = "$app_unzip -qq -v";
# Command used to add a file to the archive
my $cmd_add = "$app_zip -g";
# Command used to add a link file to the archive (unused)
my $cmd_addlink = "$app_zip -g -y";
# Command used to delete a file from the archive
my $cmd_delete = "$app_zip -d";
# Command used to extract a file to standard out
my $cmd_extract = "$app_unzip -p";

# Main code

die "uzip: missing command and/or archive arguments\n" if ($#ARGV < 1);

# Initialization of some global variables
my $cmd = shift;
my %known = ( './' => 1 );
my %pending = ();
my $oldpwd = POSIX::getcwd();
my $archive = shift;
my $aarchive = absolutize($archive, $oldpwd);
my $cmd_list = ($op_has_zipinfo ? $cmd_list_zi : $cmd_list_nzi);
my ($qarchive, $aqarchive) = map (quotemeta, $archive, $aarchive);

if ($cmd eq 'list')    { &mczipfs_list(@ARGV); }
if ($cmd eq 'rm')      { &mczipfs_rm(@ARGV); }
if ($cmd eq 'rmdir')   { &mczipfs_rmdir(@ARGV); }
if ($cmd eq 'mkdir')   { &mczipfs_mkdir(@ARGV); }
if ($cmd eq 'copyin')  { &mczipfs_copyin(@ARGV); }
if ($cmd eq 'copyout') { &mczipfs_copyout(@ARGV); }
if ($cmd eq 'run')               { &mczipfs_run(@ARGV); }
#if ($cmd eq 'mklink')  { &mczipfs_mklink(@ARGV); }             # Not supported by MC 
#if ($cmd eq 'linkout') { &mczipfs_linkout(@ARGV); }    # Not supported by MC extfs
exit 1;

# Remove a file from the archive.
sub mczipfs_rm {
        my ($qfile) = map (quotemeta, @_);
        &checkargs(1, 'archive file', @_);
        &safesystem("$cmd_delete $qarchive $qfile >/dev/null");

# Remove an empty directory from the archive.
# The only difference from mczipfs_rm is that we append an 
# additional slash to the directory name to remove. I am not
# sure this is absolutely necessary, but it doesn't hurt.
sub mczipfs_rmdir {
        my ($qfile) = map (quotemeta, @_);
        &checkargs(1, 'archive directory', @_);
        &safesystem("$cmd_delete $qarchive $qfile/ >/dev/null 2>&1", 12);

# Extract a file from the archive.
# Note that we don't need to check if the file is a link,
# because mc apparently doesn't call copyout for symbolic links.
sub mczipfs_copyout {
        my ($qafile, $qfsfile) = map (quotemeta, @_);
        &checkargs(1, 'archive file', @_);
        &checkargs(2, 'local file', @_);
        &safesystem("$cmd_extract $qarchive $qafile > $qfsfile 2>/dev/null", 11);

# Add a file to the archive.
# This is done by making a temporary directory, in which
# we create a symlink the original file (with a new name).
# Zip is then run to include the real file in the archive,
# with the name of the symbolic link.
# Here we also doesn't need to check for symbolic links,
# because the mc extfs doesn't allow adding of symbolic
# links.
sub mczipfs_copyin {
        my ($afile, $fsfile) = @_;
        &checkargs(1, 'archive file', @_);
        &checkargs(2, 'local file', @_);
        my ($qafile) = quotemeta $afile;
        $fsfile = &absolutize($fsfile, $oldpwd);
        my $adir = File::Basename::dirname($afile);

        my $tmpdir = &mktmpdir();
        chdir $tmpdir || &croak("chdir $tmpdir failed");
        &mkdirs($adir, 0700);
        symlink ($fsfile, $afile) || &croak("link $afile failed");
        &safesystem("$cmd_add $aqarchive $qafile >/dev/null");
        unlink $afile || &croak("unlink $afile failed");
        chdir $oldpwd || &croak("chdir $oldpwd failed");
        rmdir $tmpdir || &croak("rmdir $tmpdir failed");

# Add an empty directory the the archive.
# This is similar to mczipfs_copyin, except that we don't need
# to use symlinks.
sub mczipfs_mkdir {
        my ($dir) = @_;
        &checkargs(1, 'directory', @_);
        my ($qdir) = quotemeta $dir;

        my $tmpdir = &mktmpdir();
        chdir $tmpdir || &croak("chdir $tmpdir failed");
        &mkdirs($dir, 0700);
        &safesystem("$cmd_add $aqarchive $qdir >/dev/null");
        chdir $oldpwd || &croak("chdir $oldpwd failed");
        rmdir $tmpdir || &croak("rmdir $tmpdir failed");

# Add a link to the archive. This operation is not used yet,
# because it is not supported by the MC extfs.
sub mczipfs_mklink {
        my ($linkdest, $afile) = @_;
        &checkargs(1, 'link destination', @_);
        &checkargs(2, 'archive file', @_);
        my ($qafile) = quotemeta $afile;
        my $adir = File::Basename::dirname($afile);

        my $tmpdir = &mktmpdir();
        chdir $tmpdir || &croak("chdir $tmpdir failed");
        &mkdirs($adir, 0700);
        symlink ($linkdest, $afile) || &croak("link $afile failed");
        &safesystem("$cmd_addlink $aqarchive $qafile >/dev/null");
        unlink $afile || &croak("unlink $afile failed");
        chdir $oldpwd || &croak("chdir $oldpwd failed");
        rmdir $tmpdir || &croak("rmdir $tmpdir failed");

# This operation is not used yet, because it is not
# supported by the MC extfs.
sub mczipfs_linkout {
        my ($afile, $fsfile) = @_;
        &checkargs(1, 'archive file', @_);
        &checkargs(2, 'local file', @_);
        my ($qafile) = map (quotemeta, $afile);

        my $linkdest = &get_link_destination($afile);
        symlink ($linkdest, $fsfile) || &croak("link $fsfile failed");

# Use unzip to find the link destination of a certain file in the
# archive.
sub get_link_destination {
        my ($afile) = @_;
        my ($qafile) = map (quotemeta, $afile);
        my $linkdest = safeticks("$cmd_extract $qarchive $qafile");
        &croak ("extract failed", "link destination of $afile not found")
                        if (!defined $linkdest || $linkdest eq '');
        return $linkdest;

# List files in the archive.
# Because mc currently doesn't allow a file's parent directory
# to be listed after the file itself, we need to do some
# rearranging of the output. Most of this is done in
# checked_print_file.
sub mczipfs_list {
        open (PIPE, "$cmd_list $qarchive |") || &croak("$app_unzip failed");
        if ($op_has_zipinfo) {
                while (<PIPE>) {
                        next if /^Archive:/;
                        next if /^\d+ file/;
                        next if /^Empty zipfile\.$/;
                        my @match = /^(.{10}) +([\d.]+) +([a-z\d]+) +(\d+) +([^ ]{2}) 
+(\d+) +([^ ]{4}) +(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)\.(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d) +(.*)$/;
                        next if ($#match != 13);
        } else {
                while (<PIPE>) {
                        my @match = /^ +(\d+) +([^ ]+) +(\d+) +(\d+\%) 
+(\d?\d)-(\d?\d)-(\d\d) (\d?\d):(\d\d) +([0-9a-f]+) +(.*)$/;
                        next if ($#match != 10);
                        my @rmatch = ('', '', 'unknown', $match[0], '', $match[2], 
                                        $match[6] + ($match[6] < 70 ? 2000 : 1900), 
$match[4], $match[5],
                                        $match[7], $match[8], "00", $match[10]);
        if (!close (PIPE)) {
                &croak("$app_unzip failed") if ($! != 0);
                &croak("$app_unzip failed", 'non-zero exit status ('.($? >> 8).')') 

        foreach my $key (sort keys %pending) {
                foreach my $file (@{ $pending{$key} }) {
                        &print_file(@{ $file });


# Execute a file in the archive, by first extracting it to a
# temporary directory. The name of the extracted file will be
# the same as the name of it in the archive.
sub mczipfs_run {
        my ($afile) = @_;
        &checkargs(1, 'archive file', @_);
        my $qafile = quotemeta $afile;
        my $tmpdir = &mktmpdir();
        my $tmpfile = File::Basename::basename($afile);

        chdir $tmpdir || &croak("chdir $tmpdir failed");
        &safesystem("$cmd_extract $aqarchive $qafile > $tmpfile");
  chmod 0700, $tmpfile;
        unlink $tmpfile || &croak("rm $tmpfile failed");
        chdir $oldpwd || &croak("chdir $oldpwd failed");
        rmdir $tmpdir || &croak("rmdir $tmpdir failed");

# This is called prior to printing the listing of a file.
# A check is done to see if the parent directory of the file has already
# been printed or not. If it hasn't, we must cache it (in %pending) and
# print it later once the parent directory has been listed. When all
# files have been processed, there may still be some that haven't been 
# printed because their parent directories weren't listed at all. These
# files are dealt with in mczipfs_list.
sub checked_print_file {
        my @waiting = ([ @_ ]);

        while ($#waiting != -1) {
                my $item = shift @waiting;
                my $filename = ${$item}[13];
                my $dirname = File::Basename::dirname($filename) . '/';

                if (exists $known{$dirname}) {
                        if ($filename =~ /\/$/) {
                                $known{$filename} = 1;
                                if (exists $pending{$filename}) {
                                        push @waiting, @{ $pending{$filename} };
                                        delete $pending{$filename};
                } else {
                        push @{$pending{$dirname}}, $item;

# Print the mc extfs listing of a file from a set of parsed fields.
# If the file is a link, we extract it from the zip archive and
# include the output as the link destination. Because this output
# is not newline terminated, we must execute unzip once for each
# link file encountered.
sub print_file {
 = @_;
        $mon = (qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/)[$mon-1];
        if ($platform ne 'unx') {
                $perms = ($filename =~ /\/$/ ? 'drwxr-xr-x' : '-rw-r--r--');
        printf "%-10s    1 %-8d %-8d %8d $mon $day $year $hours:$mins $filename", 
$perms, $<, $(, $realsize;
        if ($platform eq 'unx' && $perms =~ /^l/) {
                my $linkdest = &get_link_destination($filename);
                print " -> $linkdest";
        print "\n";

# Die with a reasonable error message.
sub croak {
        my ($command, $desc) = @_;
        die "uzip ($cmd): $command - $desc\n" if (defined $desc);
        die "uzip ($cmd): $command - $!\n";

# Make a set of directories, like the command `mkdir -p'.
# This subroutine has been tailored for this script, and
# because of that, it ignored the directory name '.'.
sub mkdirs {
        my ($dirs, $mode) = @_;
        $dirs = &cleandirs($dirs);
        return if ($dirs eq '.');

        my $newpos = -1;
        while (($newpos = index($dirs, '/', $newpos+1)) != -1) {
                my $dir = substr($dirs, 0, $newpos);
                mkdir ($dir, $mode) || &croak("mkdir $dir failed");
        mkdir ($dirs, $mode) || &croak("mkdir $dirs failed");

# Remove a set of directories, failing if the directories
# contain other files.
# This subroutine has been tailored for this script, and
# because of that, it ignored the directory name '.'.
sub rmdirs {
        my ($dirs) = @_;
        $dirs = &cleandirs($dirs);
        return if ($dirs eq '.');

        rmdir $dirs || &croak("rmdir $dirs failed");
        my $newpos = length($dirs);
        while (($newpos = rindex($dirs, '/', $newpos-1)) != -1) {
                my $dir = substr($dirs, 0, $newpos);
                rmdir $dir || &croak("rmdir $dir failed");

# Return a semi-canonical directory name.
sub cleandirs {
        my ($dir) = @_;
        $dir =~ s:/+:/:g;
        $dir =~ s:/*$::;
        return $dir;

# Make a temporary directory with mode 0700.
sub mktmpdir {
        while (1) {
                my $dir = POSIX::tmpnam();
                return $dir if mkdir ($dir, 0700);

# Make a filename absolute and return it.
sub absolutize {
        my ($file, $pwd) = @_;
        return "$pwd/$file" if ($file !~ /^\//);
        return $file;

# Like the system built-in function, but with error checking.
# The other argument is an exit status to allow.
sub safesystem {
        my ($command, @allowrc) = @_;
        my ($desc) = ($command =~ /^([^ ]*) */);
        $desc = File::Basename::basename($desc);
        system $command;
        my $rc = $?;
        &croak("`$desc' failed") if (($rc & 0xFF) != 0);
        if ($rc != 0) {
                $rc = $rc >> 8;
                foreach my $arc (@allowrc) {
                        return if ($rc == $arc);
                &croak("`$desc' failed", "non-zero exit status ($rc)");

# Like backticks built-in, but with error checking.
sub safeticks {
        my ($command, @allowrc) = @_;
        my ($desc) = ($command =~ /^([^ ]*) /);
        $desc = File::Basename::basename($desc);
        my $out = `$command`;
        my $rc = $?;
        &croak("`$desc' failed") if (($rc & 0xFF) != 0);
        if ($rc != 0) {
                $rc = $rc >> 8;
                foreach my $arc (@allowrc) {
                        return if ($rc == $arc);
                &croak("`$desc' failed", "non-zero exit status ($rc)");
        return $out;

# Make sure enough arguments are supplied, or die.
sub checkargs {
        my $count = shift;
        my $desc = shift;
        &croak('missing argument', $desc) if ($count-1 > $#_);

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