
> > > I see working being done but the list at gnome ends in Sept 2000.
> > 
> > is now [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > This was done to hide the lists from spammers. The right solution would be
> > to make spammers hide from us, but it's probably too late to change the
> > addresses back.
> Hi, dudes!
> I'm still thinking, that rewritting mc(mc2:) is the best solution in our case.
> We do have perfect tool for the moment, but it suffers from all that legacy code,
> spagetty functions and all that multi-frontend issues...

Rewrite is neccessary if we want to move to being asynchronous.

> We can try to reuse gnome-vfs, which gives asyncronous access to the FS, what
> was always an issue in MC - scaning of big directories takes notable amount of
> time, impossible to break FS operation in the middle, all the issues with FTP
> updating, etc...
> We activelly use glib now, but that can be used even more widelly...
> Widget system - There are plenty of hacks to make it work on old curses, which
> isn't an option nowdays - slang and ncurses was ported to everything....
> I'm not sure, that gtk+ can be used as a independent layer for widget system. I
> remember, that Pavel Macek did some coding to provide text mode gdk backend for
> gtk+, but he faced with some difficulties with proper screen layout, and I don't
> remember, was it fixed or not.

Gtk+ can be made working on text console, it is just some work. My
work (atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/cursed/) is useless, because gdk
changed too much; I'd use different approach today [hack linux-fb
backend to work on console]. Still, gtk+ on text console is doable.

> But, if we'll be able to get working gtk+ in a text mode, it'll give us a front
> end independent widget library, at the top of which we'll be able to build dif-
> ferent flavours of MC2. Otherwise we need to reinvent that layer
> ourselves.

Yup, if curses gtk can be made to work, we have frontend working on
X windows, MS Windows and text consoles...

> Also, I heard a lot of complains about absence of plug-in system in MC, like
> a Windows NC-like clone, FAR, has. And the last one is really neat.

I'm not aware of plug-ins. What can they do?

> Personally, I really would like to get something such nice, as MC and FAR for
> console mode, but improved. And I think, that rewritting is a good option in
> this case.

There's definitely interest in something like midnight commander. Just
someone should start coding and reach critical mass :-).


I'm [EMAIL PROTECTED] "In my country we have almost anarchy and I don't care."
Panos Katsaloulis describing me w.r.t. patents at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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