The problem is solved on my RH 8.0 now, 
i did env -i TERM=xterm-xfree86 mc
and the strange symbols were gone when i browsed some binary files with the 
internal editor, however, when i logged  (over ssh) in my self-compiled 
system the glitch was there. I did like this:
# env -i ssh void
void# env -i TERM=xterm-xfree86 mc

how is that possible ?

thats what env displays in mc:
bash-2.05a# env

On Tuesday 22 October 2002 21:21, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> Hello!
> > Problem: When I view a binary file with the internal MC editor (F3),
> > scrool up and down with PGUP and PGDOWN and then press F3 again to exit,
> > both panels are full with unrecognisable characters.  I took a
> > screenshot:
> I think that telnet or ssh or whatever you are using propagates your
> locale settings (usually LANG environment variable) to the remote machine.
> And the remove mc cannot work in that locale.
> In particular, locales using UTF-8 encoding are not supported.  They are
> not supported even by the current version, let alone 4.1.35.  Set LANG to
> something sane, like C, en_US or lv_LV, or even unset it.
> > The same problem is with the man pages. When I do man bash for example,
> > I get the strange symbols again if I scrool up and down.
> It's all problems of Red Hat 8.0, even if you login to some other machine.
> They are pushing UTF-8 to the console, and that leads to many problems.
> They may be doing a good thing in the long term, but in the short term
> it's a big headache.
> > The problem doesn't exist if I ssh to another PC with RH 7.2 for example
> > and run MC on that comp.
> Of course.
> > I tried to install a different version of MC, same results. I also tried
> > to compile it with --with-ncurses then with a different version of glib,
> > no changes
> Unfortunately, UTF-8 support is not implemented and I don't think it will
> be implemented any time soon.

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