On Mon, 25 Sep 2006, Pavel Tsekov wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Sep 2006, Alessandro Magni wrote:
>> Pavel Tsekov wrote:
>>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2006, Alessandro Magni wrote:
>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>> I ran into a problem trying to switch my terminal from Konsole to Eterm:
>>>> my beloved mc (GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.1a) is now unable to display
>>>> graphic chars,
>>> Is that the MC which comes with FC5 ? If that is the case I suspect
>>> that it is an UTF-8 related issue. It would help if you provide the
>>> output of "mc -V" and "echo $TERM".
>> thanks for the quick reply!
>> Yes, it is the FC5 rpm => mc-4.6.1a-12.FC5
> Ok.
>> # echo $TERM
>> Eterm
>> I'm sorry to be such a newbie not to know what a "UTF-8 issue"  is ... ;-)
> Basically, the Fedora rpm (as well as packages from several other vendors)
> includes a set of patches which enable MC to work in a utf8-ized environment. 
> Those patches are not part of the original MC code. Anyway,
> my guess is that Eterm is not UTF-8 capable. I'd suggest you to set
> the LANG environment so that UTF-8 encoding won't be used by MC. For example:
>  "export LANG=C" or "export it_IT.ISO8859-1" or "export it_IT"

Ooops, sorry. The above should read:

   export LANG=it_IT.ISO8859-1
   export LANG=it_IT
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