Am Mon, 8 Jun 2020 11:53:43 +0200
schrieb Toni Tschampke <>:

> Dear mc users,
> I have a little problem figuring out the correct settings for the
> theming of special elements displayed in the file list window.
> In the normal blue/white color theme, files ending with .bak are
> displayed as gray:blue in the file list.
> I modified my theme to some eye friendly lightgray:gray, the .bak files
> are now displayed in the same color (gray on gray, looks like an empty
> line), only readable if you move the selection on it.
> I guess I am missing a special color defining element in my [Colors]
> section, but comparing it to the documentation, everything should be set
> up. So I guess it's some sort of a default value.
> My current color definition:
> [Colors]
> base_color=lightgray,gray:
> normal=lightgray,gray:
> selected=black,lightgray:
> marked=yellow,gray:
> markselect=red,lightgray:
> errors=black,red:
> menu=lightgray,black:
> reverse=lightgray,gray:
> dnormal=black,lightgray:
> dfocus=lightgray,gray:
> dhotnormal=red:
> dhotfocus=red,lightgray:
> viewunderline=brightred,blue:
> menunormal=white,gray:
> menuinactive=lightgray,gray:
> menuhot=yellow:
> menusel=white,black:
> menuhotsel=red,black:
> helpnormal=black,lightgray:
> helpitalic=red,lightgray:
> helpbold=yellow,lightgray:
> helplink=lightgray,gray:
> helpslink=yellow,black:
> gauge=white,black:
> input=lightgray,gray:
> directory=white,black:
> executable=green,black:
> link=lightgray,black:
> stalelink=brightred,black:
> device=brightmagenta,black:
> core=red,black:
> special=lightgray,gray:
> editnormal=white,black:
> editbold=yellow,black:
> editmarked=black,lightgray:
> editwhitespace=lightgray,black:
> editlinestate=lightgray,black:
> errdhotnormal=yellow,red:
> errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgray:
> viewnormal=white,black:
> viewbold=lightgray,black:
> viewunderline=white,gray:
> viewselected=yellow,black
> Has anybody an idea to keep my color theme but be able to display these
> files?
> Thanks, Toni

Hi Toni,

i didn't test this, but AFAIK this is defined in /etc/mc/filehighlight.ini 


In your [colors] should be an entry for temp:

Seems that you can split this wider creating more file types and addressing 
them in

just my 2ct

cu jth


Joerg Thuemmler
mc mailing list

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