We use standard color targets in all full color scans from reflective 
originals (see attached) either using a flatbed scanner or digital 
photography. We use targets with color, gray scale and size 
indicators to provide viewers of the image with visible and 
measurable information with which to judge the qualities of the 
original. Some think it is overkill to have the target in every image 
but they serve as an objective measure which travels with the digital 
file. It can be cropped out if not needed but for archival or museum 
images this can be important to researchers.

The gray scale/color patch target we derive is based on the 
Kodak/Tiffen Q-13. An even more popular color target is the Gretag 
MacBeth Colorchecker, in several versions, but it's rectangular 
format doesn't fit along the edge of an image very well. You can find 
either kind at a pro-level camera store or mail-order house.


Also, here is an interesting (yet older) article on the topic:

Mary W. Elings
Archivist for Digital Collections
The Bancroft Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000

At 02:04 PM 10/14/2008, Jansonius, Remko (Vizcaya) wrote:
>Dear Colleagues,
>We are about to digitize a collection of photo albums containing
>1910s/20s photographs; while they are black and white, many have
>discolored and turned sepia over the years. Since these are fragile,
>bound volumes we will be doing this through photography rather than
>scanning. Would you say it is necessary or advisable or standard
>practice to use a color card or a grey card during this process?
>As always, I greatly appreciate y'all's input!
>Remko Jansonius
>Collections and Archives Manager
>Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
>Miami, FL
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Mary W. Elings
Archivist for Digital Collections
The Bancroft Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Ph 510-643-2273
Fx 510-643-2548  

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